42 Draping LineStrings over Digital Elevation Model in PyVista#

When displaying LineString data in combination with a Digital Elevation Model, it is desired to map LineStrings representing elements such as roads on top of the Digital Elevation Model instead of above or below. Here it is shown how to do that with GemGIS.


Set File Paths and download Tutorial Data#

If you downloaded the latest GemGIS version from the Github repository, append the path so that the package can be imported successfully. Otherwise, it is recommended to install GemGIS via pip install gemgis and import GemGIS using import gemgis as gg. In addition, the file path to the folder where the data is being stored is set. The tutorial data is downloaded using Pooch (https://www.fatiando.org/pooch/latest/index.html) and stored in the specified folder. Use pip install pooch if Pooch is not installed on your system yet.

import gemgis as gg

file_path ='data/42_draping_linestrings_over_dem_in_pyvista/'
gg.download_gemgis_data.download_tutorial_data(filename="42_draping_linestrings_over_dem_in_pyvista.zip", dirpath=file_path)

Loading Mesh and Vector Data#

The loaded digital elevation model will be used under Datenlizenz Deutschland – Zero – Version 2.0. It was obtained from the WCS Service https://www.wcs.nrw.de/geobasis/wcs_nw_dgm.

import pyvista as pv
import rasterio

raster = rasterio.open(file_path + 'DEM50_EPSG_4647_clipped.tif')

topo = pv.read(file_path + 'topo.vtk')
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells4923561
N Points4928000
X Bounds3.228e+07, 3.239e+07
Y Bounds5.650e+06, 5.760e+06
Z Bounds-9.627e+01, 4.243e+02
Dimensions2200, 2240, 1
N Arrays1
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax
Elevation [m]Pointsfloat321-9.627e+014.243e+02
import pyvista as pv

sargs = dict(fmt="%.0f", color='black')

p = pv.Plotter(notebook=True)

# Adding DEM
p.add_mesh(topo, scalars='Elevation [m]', cmap='gist_earth', scalar_bar_args=sargs, clim=[-100, 500])

C:\Users\ale93371\Anaconda3\envs\pygeomechanical\lib\site-packages\pyvista\jupyter\notebook.py:58: UserWarning: Failed to use notebook backend:

No module named 'trame'

Falling back to a static output.

Creating 3D Line of County Boundary#

The boundary data was obtained from https://www.opengeodata.nrw.de/produkte/geobasis/vkg/dvg/dvg1/ and will be used under the same license as the Digital Elevation Model.

import geopandas as gpd

boundary = gpd.read_file(file_path + 'dvg1rbz_nw.shp')
boundary = boundary[boundary['GN'] == 'Düsseldorf']
ART GN KN STAND geometry
0 R Düsseldorf 05100000 2020-03-04 POLYGON ((295896.673 5747849.577, 295897.626 5...
<Axes: >

Exploding Polygon to LineString#

The first is to explode the polygon to a LineString using explode_polygons(..).

boundary_line = gg.vector.explode_polygons(gdf=boundary)
ART GN KN STAND geometry
0 R Düsseldorf 05100000 2020-03-04 LINESTRING (295896.673 5747849.577, 295897.626...
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Extracting vertices from line#

The next step is to extract the vertices from this one line using extract_xyz(..).

boundary_points = gg.vector.extract_xyz(gdf=boundary_line, dem=raster, target_crs='EPSG:4647')
ART GN KN STAND geometry X Y Z
0 R Düsseldorf 05100000 2020-03-04 POINT (32295896.673 5747849.577) 32295896.67 5747849.58 11.49
1 R Düsseldorf 05100000 2020-03-04 POINT (32295897.626 5747850.839) 32295897.63 5747850.84 11.56
2 R Düsseldorf 05100000 2020-03-04 POINT (32295943.179 5747880.192) 32295943.18 5747880.19 11.44
3 R Düsseldorf 05100000 2020-03-04 POINT (32295959.070 5747891.749) 32295959.07 5747891.75 11.70
4 R Düsseldorf 05100000 2020-03-04 POINT (32295975.984 5747906.266) 32295975.98 5747906.27 11.55
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
27446 R Düsseldorf 05100000 2020-03-04 POINT (32295802.571 5747693.901) 32295802.57 5747693.90 11.58
27447 R Düsseldorf 05100000 2020-03-04 POINT (32295840.751 5747767.801) 32295840.75 5747767.80 11.44
27448 R Düsseldorf 05100000 2020-03-04 POINT (32295857.959 5747796.720) 32295857.96 5747796.72 11.65
27449 R Düsseldorf 05100000 2020-03-04 POINT (32295870.009 5747814.641) 32295870.01 5747814.64 11.49
27450 R Düsseldorf 05100000 2020-03-04 POINT (32295896.673 5747849.577) 32295896.67 5747849.58 11.49

27451 rows × 8 columns

Creating LineString with Z component#

A LineString with a Z component can be created using create_linestring_from_xyz_points(..).

boundary_line_z = gg.vector.create_linestring_from_xyz_points(points=boundary_points)

Creating GeoDataFrame from LineString#

gdf_boundary = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[boundary_line_z])
0 LINESTRING Z (32295896.673 5747849.577 11.490,...

Creating 3D Lines#

The last step is to create the 3D lines and return the data as PyVista PolyData.

boundary_pv = gg.visualization.create_lines_3d_polydata(gdf=gdf_boundary)
boundary_pv['Label'] = ['Regierungsbezirk Dusseldorf']
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells1
N Points27451
N Strips0
X Bounds3.229e+07, 3.238e+07
Y Bounds5.654e+06, 5.754e+06
Z Bounds-4.745e+01, 3.433e+02
N Arrays1
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax

Creating 3D lines of Faults#

The same workflow can be applied to a dataset with multiple LineStrings. In this case the faults that were mapped in the area.

bbox = (32250000, 5650000, 32390000, 5760000)
faults = gpd.read_file(file_path + 'gg_nrw_geotekst_l.shp', bbox=bbox)
OBJECTID_1 OBJECTID_2 Layer_Name Quelle ST_NAME OBJECTID Id ssymbol_QB ST_NR ST_ART_ID ... DIP_3D STOE_UEB_3 STOE_TOP_H STOE_BASIS ST_ART_3D Shape_Le_2 Versatz_TB Doku_Versa Shape_Le_3 geometry
0 52.00 52 Störung040_Quadrather Sprung_SW Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Quadrather Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 62.50 regionale Bedeutung DGM Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 9317.89 0.00 NaN 9317.89 LINESTRING (32338164.037 5644376.205, 32338092...
1 99.00 99 Störung067_Peringshofer Sprung 1_NE Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Peringshofer Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 62.50 lokale Bedeutung DGM Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 3304.34 0.00 NaN 3304.34 LINESTRING (32332455.392 5650412.839, 32332407...
2 100.00 100 Störung068_Sandberg Sprung_NE Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Sandberg Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 62.50 überregionale Bedeutung DGM Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 3242.54 0.00 NaN 3242.54 LINESTRING (32331619.679 5651276.996, 32331513...
3 101.00 101 Störung069_Bedburger Sprung_NE Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Bedburger Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 62.50 lokale Bedeutung DGM Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 6404.51 0.00 NaN 6404.51 LINESTRING (32333471.001 5648319.956, 32333423...
4 102.00 102 Störung070_Bedburger Sprung 1_NE Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Bedburger Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 62.50 lokale Bedeutung DGM Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 1656.99 0.00 NaN 1656.99 LINESTRING (32332714.438 5649401.541, 32332618...

5 rows × 47 columns

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Extracting vertices from line#

The vertices will be extracted from the lines again. Here, it is important to NOT reset the index of the resulting GeoDataFrame!

faults = faults[faults.is_valid]
faults = faults[~faults.is_empty]
faults = faults.explode().reset_index(drop=True)
faults_xyz = gg.vector.extract_xyz(gdf=faults, dem=raster, reset_index=False)
OBJECTID_1 OBJECTID_2 Layer_Name Quelle ST_NAME OBJECTID Id ssymbol_QB ST_NR ST_ART_ID ... STOE_BASIS ST_ART_3D Shape_Le_2 Versatz_TB Doku_Versa Shape_Le_3 geometry X Y Z
0 0 52.00 52 Störung040_Quadrather Sprung_SW Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Quadrather Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 9317.89 0.00 NaN 9317.89 POINT (32338164.037 5644376.205) 32338164.04 5644376.20 9999.00
0 52.00 52 Störung040_Quadrather Sprung_SW Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Quadrather Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 9317.89 0.00 NaN 9317.89 POINT (32338092.156 5644454.183) 32338092.16 5644454.18 9999.00
0 52.00 52 Störung040_Quadrather Sprung_SW Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Quadrather Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 9317.89 0.00 NaN 9317.89 POINT (32338020.275 5644532.162) 32338020.28 5644532.16 9999.00
0 52.00 52 Störung040_Quadrather Sprung_SW Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Quadrather Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 9317.89 0.00 NaN 9317.89 POINT (32337976.168 5644579.490) 32337976.17 5644579.49 9999.00
0 52.00 52 Störung040_Quadrather Sprung_SW Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Quadrather Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 9317.89 0.00 NaN 9317.89 POINT (32337847.430 5644717.324) 32337847.43 5644717.32 9999.00

5 rows × 50 columns

Creating LineStrings with Z component#

As before, LineStrings with Z components will be created. This time, the function create_linestrings_from_xyz_points(..) is used.

faults_lines_z = gg.vector.create_linestrings_from_xyz_points(gdf=faults_xyz, groupby='OBJECTID_2', return_gdf=True)
OBJECTID_1 OBJECTID_2 Layer_Name Quelle ST_NAME OBJECTID Id ssymbol_QB ST_NR ST_ART_ID ... DIP_3D STOE_UEB_3 STOE_TOP_H STOE_BASIS ST_ART_3D Shape_Le_2 Versatz_TB Doku_Versa Shape_Le_3 geometry
0 52.00 52 Störung040_Quadrather Sprung_SW Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Quadrather Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 62.50 regionale Bedeutung DGM Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 9317.89 0.00 NaN 9317.89 LINESTRING Z (32332790.835 5650048.917 83.820,...
1 99.00 99 Störung067_Peringshofer Sprung 1_NE Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Peringshofer Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 62.50 lokale Bedeutung DGM Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 3304.34 0.00 NaN 3304.34 LINESTRING Z (32332455.392 5650412.839 69.640,...
2 100.00 100 Störung068_Sandberg Sprung_NE Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Sandberg Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 62.50 überregionale Bedeutung DGM Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 3242.54 0.00 NaN 3242.54 LINESTRING Z (32331619.679 5651276.996 54.820,...
3 101.00 101 Störung069_Bedburger Sprung_NE Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Bedburger Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 62.50 lokale Bedeutung DGM Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 6404.51 0.00 NaN 6404.51 LINESTRING Z (32331896.183 5650024.802 69.040,...
4 102.00 102 Störung070_Bedburger Sprung 1_NE Erft Scholle RWE Projekt 2015 Bedburger Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 62.50 lokale Bedeutung DGM Tertiaer_b/Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 1656.99 0.00 NaN 1656.99 LINESTRING Z (32331991.560 5650081.463 69.630,...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1510 13323.00 13324 NaN 3DLandesmodell Hervester Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 79.00 überregionale Bedeutung Oberkreide_b Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 32201.82 0.00 NaN 32201.82 LINESTRING Z (32372522.961 5716737.961 46.730,...
1511 13324.00 13325 NaN 3DLandesmodell Tertius Sprung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 80.00 überregionale Bedeutung Oberkreide_b Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 45355.26 0.00 NaN 45355.26 LINESTRING Z (32386330.289 5705646.290 88.140,...
1512 13325.00 13326 NaN 3DLandesmodell Rhader Stoerung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 83.00 überregionale Bedeutung Oberkreide_b Praeperm_t/Karbon_t NaN 50431.89 0.00 NaN 50431.89 LINESTRING Z (32365258.965 5733746.961 52.790,...
1513 13331.00 13332 NaN isgk100 Bergische Überschiebung 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 80.00 lokale Bedeutung DGM NaN Abschiebung 627.73 0.00 NaN 627.73 LINESTRING Z (32372730.326 5650769.467 181.760...
1514 13333.00 13334 NaN gk25_4707_Mettmann_Preußenkarte_Schriiver NaN 0 0 NaN 0.00 0 ... 0.00 regionale Bedeutung NaN NaN NaN 7815.04 0.00 NaN 7815.04 LINESTRING Z (32357075.547 5675077.272 82.920,...

1515 rows × 47 columns

Creating 3D Lines#

The last step is to create the 3D lines and return the data as PyVista PolyData.

faults_pv = gg.visualization.create_lines_3d_polydata(gdf=faults_lines_z)
N Cells1515
N Points36539
N Strips0
X Bounds3.228e+07, 3.239e+07
Y Bounds5.650e+06, 5.760e+06
Z Bounds-8.993e+01, 4.156e+02
N Arrays0

Plotting the data on top of the DEM#

import pyvista as pv

sargs = dict(fmt="%.0f", color='black')

p = pv.Plotter(notebook=True)

# Adding DEM
p.add_mesh(topo, scalars='Elevation [m]', cmap='gist_earth', scalar_bar_args=sargs, clim=[-100, 500])

# Adding boundary
p.add_mesh(boundary_pv, color='blue', line_width=5)

# Adding faults
p.add_mesh(faults_pv,color='red', line_width=2)

C:\Users\ale93371\Anaconda3\envs\pygeomechanical\lib\site-packages\pyvista\jupyter\notebook.py:58: UserWarning: Failed to use notebook backend:

No module named 'trame'

Falling back to a static output.