70 Reprojecting Seismic Data and extracting path and CDP points from Seismic Data#

This notebook illustrates how to reproject 2D seismic data from the original coordinate system to a new coordinate system. In this tutorial, we are making use of the segysak package (https://segysak.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) to load the seismic data in combination with GeoPandas (https://geopandas.org/en/stable/) to perform the coordinate reprojection. Further, it is shown how to export the path of the seismic data as LineString, as CDP points and as points every n-th meter along the line.


Set File Paths and download Tutorial Data#

If you downloaded the latest GemGIS version from the Github repository, append the path so that the package can be imported successfully. Otherwise, it is recommended to install GemGIS via pip install gemgis and import GemGIS using import gemgis as gg. In addition, the file path to the folder where the data is being stored is set. The tutorial data is downloaded using Pooch (https://www.fatiando.org/pooch/latest/index.html) and stored in the specified folder. Use pip install pooch if Pooch is not installed on your system yet.

import warnings

# import gemgis as gg
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import Union
import pyproj
import numpy as np
import shapely
from shapely.geometry import LineString
file_path ='data/70_reprojecting_seismic_data/'
# gg.download_gemgis_data.download_tutorial_data(filename="70_reprojecting_seismic_data.zip", dirpath=file_path)

Defining functions#

As there may be conflicts between the dependencies of GemGIS and the segysak package, we define the functions that are needed to reproject the seismic data and for the further contents of the notebook. However, they are also implemented in the GemGIS utils module.

def convert_crs_seismic_data(path_in: str,
                             path_out: str,
                             crs_in: Union[str, pyproj.crs.crs.CRS],
                             crs_out: Union[str, pyproj.crs.crs.CRS],
                             cdpx: int = 181,
                             cdpy: int = 185,
                             vert_domain: str = 'TWT',
                             coord_scalar: int = None):
    """Convert CDP coordinates of seismic data to a new CRS.

        path_in : str
            Path to the original seismic data, e.g. ``path_in='seismic.sgy'``.
        path_out : str
            Path to the converted seismic data, e.g. ``path_out='seismic_converted.sgy'``.
        crs_in : str, pyproj.crs.crs.CRS
            Coordinate reference system of the original seismic data.
        crs_out : str, pyproj.crs.crs.CRS
            Coordinate reference system of the converted seismic data.
        cdpx : int
            Byte position for the X coordinates, default is ``cdpx=181``.
        cdpy : int
            Byte position for the Y coordinates, default is ``cdpx=185``.
        vert_domain : str
            Vertical sampling domain. Options include ``'TWT'`` and ``'DEPTH'``, default is ``vert_domain='TWT'``.
        coord_scalar: int
            Coordinate scalar value to set if `NaN` columns are returned, default is `coord_scalar=None`.

    .. versionadded:: 1.1.1

    # Trying to import segysak but returning error if segysak is not installed
        from segysak.segy import segy_loader, segy_writer
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(
            'segysak package is not installed. Use pip install segysak to install the latest version')

    # Checking that path_in is of type string
    if not isinstance(path_in, str):
        raise TypeError('path_in must be provided as string')

    # Checking that path_out is of type string
    if not isinstance(path_out, str):
        raise TypeError('path_out must be provided as string')

    # Checking that crs_in is of type string or pyproj CRS
    if not isinstance(crs_in, (str, pyproj.crs.crs.CRS)):
        raise TypeError('crs_in must be provided as string or pyproj CRS')

    # Checking that crs_out is of type string or pyproj CRS
    if not isinstance(crs_out, (str, pyproj.crs.crs.CRS)):
        raise TypeError('crs_out must be provided as string or pyproj CRS')

    # Checking that vert_domain is of type str
    if not isinstance(vert_domain, str):
        raise TypeError('vert_domain must be provided as string')

    # Checking that the coord_scalar is of type int or None
    if not isinstance(coord_scalar, (int, type(None))):
        raise TypeError('coord_scalar must be provided as int')

    # Loading seismic data
    seismic = segy_loader(path_in,

    # Converting Seismic to DataFrame
    df_seismic = seismic.to_dataframe()

    # Checking that the CDP coordinates are in the DataFrame
    if not {'cdp_x', 'cdp_y'}.issubset(df_seismic.columns):
        raise ValueError(
            'No coordinates found, please provide the byte positions where the X and Y data of the CDPs is stored')

    # Extracting the length of the samples to reduce computing time
    samples = len(df_seismic.index.get_level_values(1).unique())

    # Resample DataFrame
    df_seismic_resampled = df_seismic[::samples]

    # Reprojecting Coordinates
    df_seismic_reprojected = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(x=df_seismic_resampled['cdp_x'].values,

    # Extracting reprojected coordinates
    x = df_seismic_reprojected.geometry.x.values
    y = df_seismic_reprojected.geometry.y.values

    # Assigning new coordinates
    seismic['cdp_x'][:] = x
    seismic['cdp_y'][:] = y

    # Optionally setting a new coord_scalar
    if coord_scalar:
        seismic.attrs['coord_scalar'] = coord_scalar

    # Saving reprojected seismic data to file

    print('Seismic data was successfully reprojected and saved to file')

def get_cdp_linestring_of_seismic_data(path_in: str,
                                       crs_in: Union[str, pyproj.crs.crs.CRS],
                                       cdpx: int = 181,
                                       cdpy: int = 185,
                                       vert_domain: str = 'TWT'):
    """Extracting the path of the seismic data as LineString.

        path_in : str
            Path to the original seismic data, e.g. ``path_in='seismic.sgy'``.
        crs_in : str, pyproj.crs.crs.CRS
            Coordinate reference system of the original seismic data.
        cdpx : int
            Byte position for the X coordinates, default is ``cdpx=181``.
        cdpy : int
            Byte position for the Y coordinates, default is ``cdpx=185``.
        vert_domain : str
            Vertical sampling domain. Options include ``'TWT'`` and ``'DEPTH'``, default is ``vert_domain='TWT'``.

            GeoDataFrame containing the surface path of the seismic data as LineString.

    .. versionadded:: 1.1.1

    # Trying to import segysak but returning error if segysak is not installed
        from segysak.segy import segy_loader, segy_writer
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(
            'segysak package is not installed. Use pip install segysak to install the latest version')

    # Checking that path_in is of type string
    if not isinstance(path_in, str):
        raise TypeError('path_in must be provided as string')

    # Checking that crs_in is of type string or pyproj CRS
    if not isinstance(crs_in, (str, pyproj.crs.crs.CRS)):
        raise TypeError('crs_in must be provided as string or pyproj CRS')

    # Checking that vert_domain is of type str
    if not isinstance(vert_domain, str):
        raise TypeError('vert_domain must be provided as string')

    # Loading seismic data
    seismic = segy_loader(path_in,

    # Converting Seismic to DataFrame
    df_seismic = seismic.to_dataframe()

    # Checking that the CDP coordinates are in the DataFrame
    if not {'cdp_x', 'cdp_y'}.issubset(df_seismic.columns):
        raise ValueError(
            'No coordinates found, please provide the byte positions where the X and Y data of the CDPs is stored')

    # Extracting the length of the samples to reduce computing time
    samples = len(df_seismic.index.get_level_values(1).unique())

    # Resample DataFrame
    df_seismic_resampled = df_seismic[::samples]

    # Creating LineString from coordinates
    linestring = LineString(np.c_[(df_seismic_resampled['cdp_x'].values,

    # Reprojecting Coordinates
    gdf_seismic = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[linestring],

    return gdf_seismic

def get_cdp_points_of_seismic_data(path_in: str,
                                   crs_in: Union[str, pyproj.crs.crs.CRS],
                                   cdpx: int = 181,
                                   cdpy: int = 185,
                                   vert_domain: str = 'TWT',
                                   filter: int = None,
                                   n_meter: Union[int, float] = None):
    """Extracting the path of the seismic data as LineString.

        path_in : str
            Path to the original seismic data, e.g. ``path_in='seismic.sgy'``.
        crs_in : str, pyproj.crs.crs.CRS
            Coordinate reference system of the original seismic data.
        cdpx : int
            Byte position for the X coordinates, default is ``cdpx=181``.
        cdpy : int
            Byte position for the Y coordinates, default is ``cdpx=185``.
        vert_domain : str
            Vertical sampling domain. Options include ``'TWT'`` and ``'DEPTH'``, default is ``vert_domain='TWT'``.
        filter : int
            Filtering the points to only return every n-th point, e.g. ``filter=100`` to return only every 100-th point.
        n_meter : int, float
            Parameter to select a point along the line every n-th meter.

            GeoDataFrame containing the CDPs as Points.

    .. versionadded:: 1.1.1

    # Trying to import segysak but returning error if segysak is not installed
        from segysak.segy import segy_loader, segy_writer
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(
            'segysak package is not installed. Use pip install segysak to install the latest version')

    # Checking that path_in is of type string
    if not isinstance(path_in, str):
        raise TypeError('path_in must be provided as string')

    # Checking that crs_in is of type string or pyproj CRS
    if not isinstance(crs_in, (str, pyproj.crs.crs.CRS)):
        raise TypeError('crs_in must be provided as string or pyproj CRS')

    # Checking that vert_domain is of type str
    if not isinstance(vert_domain, str):
        raise TypeError('vert_domain must be provided as string')

    # Loading seismic data
    seismic = segy_loader(path_in,

    # Converting Seismic to DataFrame
    df_seismic = seismic.to_dataframe()

    # Checking that the CDP coordinates are in the DataFrame
    if not {'cdp_x', 'cdp_y'}.issubset(df_seismic.columns):
        raise ValueError(
            'No coordinates found, please provide the byte positions where the X and Y data of the CDPs is stored')

    # Extracting the length of the samples to reduce computing time
    samples = len(df_seismic.index.get_level_values(1).unique())

    # Resample DataFrame
    df_seismic_resampled = df_seismic[::samples]

    if n_meter:

        # Creating LineString from coordinates
        linestring = LineString(np.c_[(df_seismic_resampled['cdp_x'].values,

        # Defining number of samples
        samples = np.arange(0, round(linestring.length / n_meter) + 1, 1)

        # Getting points every n_meter
        points = [shapely.line_interpolate_point(linestring, n_meter * sample) for sample in samples]

        # Creating GeoDataFrame from points
        gdf_seismic = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=points,

        # Appending distance
        gdf_seismic['distance'] = samples * n_meter

        # Creating Points from coordinates
        gdf_seismic = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(x=df_seismic_resampled['cdp_x'].values,
                                       crs=crs_in).reset_index().drop(['twt', 'data'], axis=1)

        # Returning only every nth point
        if filter:
            gdf_seismic = gdf_seismic[::filter]

    return gdf_seismic

Reprojecting Seismic Data#

The seismic data used here can be freely downloaded from NLOG.nl and is provided in the Coordinate References System (CRS) with EPSG:28992. To reproject the data, we are using the function convert_crs_seismic_data(...). The output path and the output CRS are defined, optionally, the byte positions for the X and Y coordinates of each CDP and the vertical domain can be defined.

                         cdpx = 181,
                         cdpy = 185,
                         vert_domain = 'TWT')
Loading as 2D
Seismic data was successfully reprojected and saved to file

Accounting for coordinate scalar errors#

It may happen that columns are filled with NaN values. The problem is not so much the Python side but the SEGY side. For a more detailed description, see https://github.com/trhallam/segysak/issues/109#issuecomment-1717610828. The error can be mitigated by providing a coord_scalar value.

from segysak.segy import segy_loader
seismic = segy_loader(file_path+'Seismic_EPSG_25832.sgy',
                         cdpx = 181,
                         cdpy = 185,
                         vert_domain = 'TWT')

# Converting Seismic to DataFrame
df_seismic = seismic.to_dataframe()
Loading as 2D
data cdp_x cdp_y
cdp twt
1 0.0 0.0 287958.90625 NaN
2.0 0.0 287958.90625 NaN
4.0 0.0 287958.90625 NaN
6.0 0.0 287958.90625 NaN
8.0 0.0 287958.90625 NaN
... ... ... ... ...
2702 5092.0 0.0 314511.46875 NaN
5094.0 0.0 314511.46875 NaN
5096.0 0.0 314511.46875 NaN
5098.0 0.0 314511.46875 NaN
5100.0 0.0 314511.46875 NaN

6892802 rows × 3 columns

Reprojecting Seismic Data - again#

As you can see, reprojecting the seismic data again using a coord_scalar will add the correct coordinates to the segy file.

                         cdpx = 181,
                         cdpy = 185,
                         vert_domain = 'TWT',
Loading as 2D
Seismic data was successfully reprojected and saved to file
from segysak.segy import segy_loader
seismic = segy_loader(file_path+'Seismic_EPSG_25832.sgy',
                         cdpx = 181,
                         cdpy = 185,
                         vert_domain = 'TWT')

# Converting Seismic to DataFrame
df_seismic = seismic.to_dataframe()
Loading as 2D
data cdp_x cdp_y
cdp twt
1 0.0 0.0 287958.8750 5702121.5
2.0 0.0 287958.8750 5702121.5
4.0 0.0 287958.8750 5702121.5
6.0 0.0 287958.8750 5702121.5
8.0 0.0 287958.8750 5702121.5
... ... ... ... ...
2702 5092.0 0.0 314511.4375 5700494.0
5094.0 0.0 314511.4375 5700494.0
5096.0 0.0 314511.4375 5700494.0
5098.0 0.0 314511.4375 5700494.0
5100.0 0.0 314511.4375 5700494.0

6892802 rows × 3 columns

Plotting the results#

We are now plotting the surface trace of both seismic lines to illustrate the change in coordinates.

seismic_old = segy_loader(file_path+'Seismic_EPSG_28992.sgy',
# Converting Seismic to DataFrame
df_seismic_old = seismic_old.to_dataframe()
Loading as 2D
data cdp_x cdp_y
cdp twt
1 0.0 0.0 194105.421875 382534.0625
2.0 0.0 194105.421875 382534.0625
4.0 0.0 194105.421875 382534.0625
6.0 0.0 194105.421875 382534.0625
8.0 0.0 194105.421875 382534.0625
... ... ... ... ...
2702 5092.0 0.0 220702.828125 382218.6250
5094.0 0.0 220702.828125 382218.6250
5096.0 0.0 220702.828125 382218.6250
5098.0 0.0 220702.828125 382218.6250
5100.0 0.0 220702.828125 382218.6250

6892802 rows × 3 columns

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, figsize = (10,4))

ax[0].plot(df_seismic_old[::2551]['cdp_x'], df_seismic_old[::2551]['cdp_y'])

ax[0].set_xlim(min(df_seismic_old[::2551]['cdp_x'])-100, max(df_seismic_old[::2551]['cdp_x'])+100)
ax[0].set_ylim(min(df_seismic_old[::2551]['cdp_y'])-100, max(df_seismic_old[::2551]['cdp_y'])+100)

ax[1].plot(df_seismic[::2551]['cdp_x'], df_seismic[::2551]['cdp_y'])

ax[1].set_xlim(min(df_seismic[::2551]['cdp_x'])-100, max(df_seismic[::2551]['cdp_x'])+100)
ax[1].set_ylim(min(df_seismic[::2551]['cdp_y'])-100, max(df_seismic[::2551]['cdp_y'])+100)


Extracting the path of the seismic data#

The path of the seismic data can be extracted using the function get_cdp_linestring_of_seismic_data. A GeoDataFrame containing a LineString will be returned.

gdf_linestring = get_cdp_linestring_of_seismic_data(path_in=file_path+'Seismic_EPSG_28992.sgy',
Loading as 2D
0 LINESTRING (194105.422 382534.062, 194115.391 ...
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10,10))



Extracting the CDP points of the seismic data#

The CDP points of the seismic data can be extracted using the function get_cdp_points_of_seismic_data. By setting a filter, only the n-th point can be selected. A GeoDataFrame containing points will be returned.

gdf_points = get_cdp_points_of_seismic_data(path_in=file_path+'Seismic_EPSG_28992.sgy',
Loading as 2D
cdp cdp_x cdp_y geometry
0 1 194105.421875 382534.06250 POINT (194105.422 382534.062)
250 251 196602.859375 382433.34375 POINT (196602.859 382433.344)
500 501 199099.406250 382333.03125 POINT (199099.406 382333.031)
750 751 201554.859375 381880.46875 POINT (201554.859 381880.469)
1000 1001 204022.796875 381520.40625 POINT (204022.797 381520.406)
1250 1251 206520.484375 381599.18750 POINT (206520.484 381599.188)
1500 1501 209018.203125 381503.37500 POINT (209018.203 381503.375)
1750 1751 211512.828125 381340.65625 POINT (211512.828 381340.656)
2000 2001 213993.937500 381043.43750 POINT (213993.938 381043.438)
2250 2251 216479.656250 380814.06250 POINT (216479.656 380814.062)
2500 2501 218918.343750 381326.12500 POINT (218918.344 381326.125)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10,10))

for label, x, y in zip(gdf_points['cdp'], gdf_points['cdp_x'], gdf_points['cdp_y']):



Extracting the CDP Points every n-th meter#

A point every n-th meter along the seismic data can be extracted using the function get_cdp_points_of_seismic_data. By setting a value for the parameter n_meter, points only every n-th will be returned. A GeoDataFrame containing points will be returned. Be aware that these may not be the CDP points!

gdf_points = get_cdp_points_of_seismic_data(path_in=file_path+'Seismic_EPSG_28992.sgy',
Loading as 2D
geometry distance
0 POINT (194105.422 382534.062) 0
1 POINT (198102.572 382412.468) 4000
2 POINT (202044.081 381777.218) 8000
3 POINT (206020.565 381595.751) 12000
4 POINT (210016.378 381442.716) 16000
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10,10))

for label, x, y in zip(gdf_points['distance'], gdf_points.geometry.x, gdf_points.geometry.y):
    plt.text(x+200,y+200,str(label) + ' m')

