GemGIS API Reference#

The API reference provides an overview of all functions and methods implemented in GemGIS.


The following sections provide an overview of the methods implemented in the GemGIS Vector module.

Extracting Coordinates from GeoDataFrames#

The following methods are used to extract X and Y coordinates or X, Y, and Z coordinates from GeoDataFrames or Shapely Base Geometries for further usage.

gemgis.vector.extract_xy(gdf[, reset_index, ...])

Extracting X and Y coordinates from a GeoDataFrame (Points, LineStrings, MultiLineStrings, Polygons, Geometry Collections) and returning a GeoDataFrame with X and Y coordinates as additional columns

gemgis.vector.extract_xy_linestring(gdf[, ...])

Extracting the coordinates of Shapely LineStrings within a GeoDataFrame and storing the X and Y coordinates in lists per LineString

gemgis.vector.extract_xy_linestrings(gdf[, ...])

Extracting X and Y coordinates from a GeoDataFrame (LineStrings) and returning a GeoDataFrame with X and Y coordinates as additional columns

gemgis.vector.extract_xy_points(gdf[, ...])

Extracting X and Y coordinates from a GeoDataFrame (Points) and returning a GeoDataFrame with X and Y coordinates as additional columns

gemgis.vector.extract_xyz(gdf[, dem, minz, ...])

Extracting X and Y coordinates from a GeoDataFrame (Points, LineStrings, MultiLineStrings Polygons) and Z values from a NumPy nd.array or a Rasterio object and returning a GeoDataFrame with X, Y, and Z coordinates as additional columns

gemgis.vector.extract_xyz_array(gdf, dem, extent)

Extracting X and Y coordinates from a GeoDataFrame (Points, LineStrings, MultiLineStrings Polygons) and Z values from a NumPy nd.array and returning a GeoDataFrame with X, Y, and Z coordinates as additional columns

gemgis.vector.extract_xyz_rasterio(gdf, dem)

Extracting X and Y coordinates from a GeoDataFrame (Points, LineStrings, MultiLineStrings Polygons) and z values from a rasterio object and returning a GeoDataFrame with X, Y, and Z coordinates as additional columns


Extracting X, Y, and Z coordinates from a GeoDataFrame containing Shapely Points with Z components

gemgis.vector.extract_xyz_linestrings(gdf[, ...])

Extracting X, Y, and Z coordinates from a GeoDataFrame containing Shapely LineStrings with Z components

gemgis.vector.extract_xyz_polygons(gdf[, ...])

Extracting X, Y, and Z coordinates from a GeoDataFrame containing Shapely Polygons with Z components

Extracting Coordinates and Intersections from GeoDataFrames/Shapely Polygons#

The following methods are used to extract coordinates and intersections from GeoDataFrames containing Shapely Polygons or from single Shapely Polygons or multiple Shapely Polygons.


Calculating the intersections between Polygons; the table must be sorted by stratigraphic age


Calculating the intersection between to Shapely Polygons


Calculating the intersections between one polygon and a list of polygons


Calculating the intersections between a list of Polygons

Calculating and extracting coordinates from cross sections#

The following methods are used to calculate and extract coordinates from cross sections where data was stored as Shape Files and is now loaded as GeoDataFrames.


Extracting coordinates of interfaces digitized on a cross section


Extracting X, Y, and Z coordinates from cross sections and digitized interfaces


Calculating the coordinates for one point digitized on a cross section provided as Shapely LineString


Calculating the coordinates of vertices for a LineString on a straight cross section provided as Shapely LineString


Calculating the coordinates of vertices for LineStrings on a straight cross section provided as Shapely LineString


Extracting coordinates of interfaces digitized on a cross section

Calculating and extracting angles from cross sections and maps#

The following methods are used to calculate and extract angles from cross sections.


Calculating the angle of a LineString to the vertical


Calculating the azimuth for an orientation Geodataframe represented by LineStrings


Function to calculate the strike direction of a straight Shapely LineString.


Calculating the strike direction of a LineString with multiple elements


Calculating the dipping angle of a LineString digitized on a cross section


Calculating the dipping angles of LineStrings digitized on a cross section


Calculating the orientation of a LineString on a bent cross section provided as Shapely LineString


Calculating the orientation for one LineString on one cross sections


Calculating orientations from a cross sections using multiple LineStrings


Calculating orientations digitized from cross sections


Calculating orientations from LineStrings


Calculating orientations based on LineStrings representing strike lines


Calculating the orientation for a three point problem

Exploding Geometries#

The following methods are used to explode geometries for further usage in GemGIS


Exploding a LineString to its vertices, also works for LineStrings with Z components


Separating a LineString into its single elements and returning a list of LineStrings representing these elements, also works for LineStrings with Z components


Exploding a MultiLineString into a list of LineStrings


Exploding Shapely MultiLineStrings stored in a GeoDataFrame to Shapely LineStrings


Exploding Shapely Polygon to list of Points


Converting a GeoDataFrame containing elements of geom_type Polygons to a GeoDataFrame with LineStrings


Exploding a Shapely Geometry Collection to a List of Base Geometries


Exploding Shapely Geometry Collections stored in GeoDataFrames to different Shapely Base Geometries

Removing Points within Buffers#

The following methods are used to remove Points within Buffers. This can be used to remove interface points in the vicinity of faults.


Removing object from a buffered object by providing a distance


Removing objects from a buffered object by providing a distance


Function to create a buffer around a GeoDataFrame containing fault data and removing interface points that are located within this buffer

Vector Methods for Raster Data#

The following methods are used to work with raster data

gemgis.vector.interpolate_raster(gdf[, ...])

Interpolating a raster/digital elevation model from point or line Shape file

Working with GPX Data#

The following methods are used to work with GPX data

gemgis.vector.load_gpx(path[, layer])

Loading a GPX file as collection

gemgis.vector.load_gpx_as_dict(path[, layer])

Loading a GPX file as dict

gemgis.vector.load_gpx_as_geometry(path[, layer])

Loading a GPX file as Shapely Geometry

Miscellaneous vector data methods#

The following methods are further vector data methods used in GemGIS


Calculating the minimal distance between two LineStrings


Calculating the midpoint of a LineString with two vertices


Calculating the midpoints of LineStrings with two vertices each

gemgis.vector.clip_by_bbox(gdf, bbox[, ...])

Clipping vector data contained in a GeoDataFrame to a provided bounding box/extent

gemgis.vector.clip_by_polygon(gdf, polygon)

Clipping vector data contained in a GeoDataFrame to a provided bounding box/extent


Creating a rectangular polygon from the provided bounding box values, with counter-clockwise order by default.

gemgis.vector.create_buffer(geom_object, ...)

Creating a buffer around a Shapely LineString or a Point


Creating a unified buffer around Shapely LineStrings or Points


Creating a LineString object from a GeoDataFrame containing surface points at a given altitude and for a given formation


Create LineString from an array or GeoDataFrame containing X, Y, and Z coordinates of points.


Creating LineStrings from Points


Creating LineStrings from PyVista Contour Lines and save them as list or GeoDataFrame


Creating LineStrings from a GeoDataFrame containing X, Y, and Z coordinates of vertices of multiple LineStrings


Extracting faces from PyVista PolyData as Shapely Polygons


Unifying adjacent LineStrings to form LineStrings with multiple vertices

gemgis.vector.unify_polygons(polygons[, ...])

Unifying adjacent triangular polygons to form larger objects

Special Methods#

The following methods are special methods used in GemGIS

gemgis.vector.set_dtype(gdf[, dip, azimuth, ...])

Checking and setting the dtypes of the input data GeoDataFrame

gemgis.vector.sort_by_stratigraphy(gdf, ...)

Sorting a GeoDataFrame by a provided list of Stratigraphic Units


Subtracting Shapely geometry objects from each other and returning the left over object

gemgis.vector.create_hexagon(center, radius)

Function to create one hexagon

gemgis.vector.create_hexagon_grid(gdf, radius)

Function to create a grid of hexagons based on a GeoDataFrame containing Polygons and a radius provided for the single hexagons


Function to create Voronoi Polygons from Point GeoDataFrame using the SciPy Spatial Voronoi class (


The following sections provide an overview of the methods implemented in the GemGIS Raster module.

Raster Calculations#

The following methods are used to perform calculations on rasters

gemgis.raster.calculate_aspect(raster[, ...])

Calculating the aspect based on a digital elevation model/raster

gemgis.raster.calculate_difference(raster1, ...)

Calculating the difference between two rasters

gemgis.raster.calculate_hillshades(raster[, ...])

Calculating Hillshades based on digital elevation model/raster

gemgis.raster.calculate_slope(raster[, ...])

Calculating the slope based on digital elevation model/raster

Sampling from a Raster#

The following methods are used to sample values from a raster

gemgis.raster.sample_from_array(array, ...)

Sampling the value of a np.ndarray at a given point and given the arrays true extent

gemgis.raster.sample_from_rasterio(raster, ...)

Sampling the value of a rasterio object at a given point within the extent of the raster

gemgis.raster.sample_interfaces(raster[, ...])

Sampling interfaces from a raster

gemgis.raster.sample_orientations(raster[, ...])

Sampling orientations from a raster

gemgis.raster.sample_randomly(raster[, n, ...])

Sampling randomly from a raster (array or rasterio object) using sample_from_array or sample_from_rasterio and a randomly drawn point within the array/raster extent

Reading different raster formats#

The following methods are used to read different raster formats into Python


Function to read GoCAD .asc files


Function to read Leapfrog .msh files -


Function to read GoCAD .ts files


Reading Petrel ZMAP Files

Miscellaneous raster data methods#

The following methods are further raster data methods used in GemGIS

gemgis.raster.clip_by_bbox(raster, bbox[, ...])

Clipping a rasterio raster or np.ndarray by a given extent

gemgis.raster.clip_by_polygon(raster, polygon)

Clipping/masking a rasterio raster or np.ndarray by a given shapely Polygon

gemgis.raster.create_filepaths(dirpath, ...)

Retrieving the file paths of the tiles to load and to process them later


Extracting contour lines from raster with a provided interval.

gemgis.raster.merge_tiles(src_files[, ...])

Merging downloaded tiles to mosaic

gemgis.raster.reproject_raster(path_in, ...)

Reprojecting a raster into different CRS

gemgis.raster.resize_by_array(raster, array)

Rescaling raster to the size of another raster

gemgis.raster.resize_raster(raster, width, ...)

Resizing raster to given dimensions

gemgis.raster.save_as_tiff(raster, path, ...)

Saving a np.array as tif file


The following sections provide an overview of the methods implemented in the GemGIS Visualization module.

Creating PolyData and Grid Data from GeoDataFrames, Rasters, and GemPy Models#

The following methods are used to create PolyData from various input data formats.


Extracting the depth values of the vertices and add them as scalars to the mesh


Creating depth map of model surfaces, adapted from


Creating a thickness map using


Creating a temperature map for a surface at depth taking the topography into account


Creating a delaunay triangulated mesh from surface contour lines

gemgis.visualization.create_dem_3d(dem[, ...])

Plotting the dem in 3D with PyVista


Creating lines with z-component (LineString Z)


Creating lines with z-component for the plotting with PyVista


Creating a PyVista Mesh from one cross section


Creating PyVista Meshes from multiple cross section


Plotting earthquake hypocenters with PyVista


Plotting points in 3D with PyVista


Converting loaded DXF object to PyVista PolyData


Converting loaded Leapfrog mesh to PyVista PolyData


Converting loaded GoCAD mesh to PyVista PolyData


Converting loaded ASC object to PyVista StructuredGrid


Converting loaded ZMAP object to PyVista StructuredGrid

Working with Boreholes#

The following methods are used to work with boreholes in GemGIS.


Adding additional row to each borehole for further processing for 3D visualization


Create labels for borehole plots.

gemgis.visualization.create_borehole_tube(df, ...)

Creating a tube from a line for the 3D visualization of boreholes

gemgis.visualization.create_borehole_tubes(df, ...)

Creating PyVista Tubes for plotting boreholes in 3D

gemgis.visualization.create_boreholes_3d(df, ...)

Plotting boreholes in 3D


Creating a line set from a Pandas DataFrame


Creating Pandas DataFrame containing parameters to create 3D boreholes


Plotting boreholes in 3D


Grouping Borehole DataFrame by Index


Resampling between points that define the path of a well


Function to return a tube representing well log values along a well path

Miscellaneous visualization methods#

The following methods are further visualization methods used in GemGIS.

gemgis.visualization.calculate_vector(dip, ...)

Calculating the plunge vector of a borehole section


Clipping seismic data loaded with segysak to CDP defined start and end CDP values


Converting array values to RGB values


Creating grid and texture to drape array over a digital elevation model


Returning the Batlow cmap from


Method to get the right color list depending on the type of plot.


Getting the geological map of a GemPy Model draped over the topography as mesh.


Returning the Petrel cmap


Returning the closest point on the spline a given a length along a spline.


Returning the seismic cmap from


Fitting a plane through the hypocenters of earthquakes using Eigenvector analysis

gemgis.visualization.plot_data(geo_data[, ...])

Plotting Input Data


Plotting orientation values of a GeoDataFrame with mplstereonet


Creating PyVista PolyLine from points

gemgis.visualization.read_raster([path, ...])

Reading a raster and returning a mesh

gemgis.visualization.seismic_to_array(...[, ...])

Converting seismic data loaded with segysak to a NumPy array

gemgis.visualization.seismic_to_mesh(...[, ...])

Converting seismic data loaded with segysak to a PyVista Mesh


The following sections provide an overview of the methods implemented in the GemGIS Utils module.

Miscellaneous utils methods#

The following methods are further visualization methods used in GemGIS.

gemgis.utils.assign_properties(lith_block, ...)

Replacing lith block IDs with physical properties


Building a style dict based on extracted style classes


Parsing a QGIS style file to retrieve surface color values

gemgis.utils.load_surface_colors(path, gdf)

Loading surface colors from a QML file and storing the color values as list to be displayed with GeoPandas plots


Creating GemPy surface color dict from a QML file

gemgis.utils.calculate_lines(gdf, increment)

Function to interpolate strike lines


Creating the number of isopoints to further interpolate strike lines


Converting a location dict to a GeoDataFrame

gemgis.utils.convert_to_gempy_df(gdf[, dem, ...])

Converting a GeoDataFrame into a Pandas DataFrame ready to be read in for GemPy


Function to convert vertices of a PyVista Mesh to Petrel Points with Attributes


Creating Shapely Polygon from bounding box coordinates

gemgis.utils.create_virtual_profile(...[, ...])

Function to filter and sort the resulting well tops

gemgis.utils.create_zmap_grid(surface, ...)

Function to write data to ZMAP Grid, This code is heavily inspired by

gemgis.utils.extract_zmap_data(surface, ...)

Function to extract a meshgrid of values from a PyVista mesh


Obtaining coordinates of a given city

gemgis.utils.get_locations(names[, crs])

Obtaining coordinates for one city or a list of given cities.

gemgis.utils.get_nearest_neighbor(x, y)

Function to return the index of the nearest neighbor for a given point Y

gemgis.utils.getfeatures(extent, crs_raster, ...)

Creating a list containing a dict with keys and values to clip a raster

gemgis.utils.interpolate_strike_lines(gdf, ...)

Interpolating strike lines to calculate orientations


Function to return the depth of multiple surfaces in one well using PyVista ray tracing

gemgis.utils.ray_trace_one_surface(surface, ...)

Function to return the depth of one surface in one well using PyVista ray tracing

gemgis.utils.read_csv_as_gdf(path, crs[, x, ...])

Reading CSV files as GeoDataFrame

gemgis.utils.save_zmap_grid(zmap_grid[, path])

Function to save ZMAP Grid information to file

gemgis.utils.set_extent([minx, maxx, miny, ...])

Setting the extent for a model

gemgis.utils.set_resolution(x, y, z)

Setting the resolution for a model


Adding the number of Interfaces and Orientations to the GemPy Surface dataframe

gemgis.utils.to_section_dict(gdf[, ...])

Converting custom sections stored in Shape files to GemPy section_dicts


Transforming coordinates of GeoPy Location


The following sections provide an overview of the methods implemented in the GemGIS Web module.

gemgis.web.create_request(wcs_url, version, ...)

Creating URL to request data from WCS Server

gemgis.web.load_as_array(url, layer, style, ...)

Loading a portion of a WMS as array

gemgis.web.load_as_file(url, path[, ...])

Executing WCS request and downloading file into specified folder

gemgis.web.load_as_files(wcs_url, version, ...)

Executing WCS requests and downloading files into specified folder

gemgis.web.load_as_gpd(url[, typename, ...])

Requesting data from a WFS Service

gemgis.web.load_as_map(url, layer, style, ...)

Loading a portion of a WMS as array


Loading Web Coverage Service


Loading a WFS Service by URL


Loading a WMS Service by URL


The following sections provide an overview of the methods implemented in the GemGIS Misc module.


This function is used to extract the name, coordinates and depths, of one page with one well provided by the Geological Survey NRW.

gemgis.misc.get_meta_data_df(data[, name, ...])

Function to create a dataframe with coordinates and meta data of the different boreholes

gemgis.misc.get_stratigraphic_data(text, ...)

Function to retrieve the stratigraphic data from borehole logs

gemgis.misc.get_stratigraphic_data_df(data, ...)

Function to create a dataframe with coordinates and the stratigraphy of the different boreholes


Loading formations for extraction of borehole data

gemgis.misc.load_pdf(path[, save_as_txt])

Load PDF file containing borehole data.


Loading symbols for extraction of borehole data


The following section provides an overview of the methods implemented in the GemGIS postprocessing module.


Calculating dip and azimuth values for a mesh and setting them as scalars for subsequent plotting


Creating a list of attribute dicts


Creating Subelement

gemgis.postprocessing.create_symbol(parent, ...)

Creating symbol entry


Cropping GemPy solutions block to topography


Extracting a borehole at a provided location from a recalculated GemPy Model


Extracting the geological map as GeoDataFrame


Extracting orientations (dip and azimuth) from PyVista Mesh

gemgis.postprocessing.save_model(geo_model, path)

Function to save the model parameters to files


Creating and saving a QGIS Style File/QML File based on a GeoDataFrame


Clip fault of a GemPy model.


Create PyVista plane from GemPy interface and orientations DataFrames.


Translate clipping plane.

Download GemGIS Data#

The following section provides an overview of the methods implemented in the GemGIS module that downloads the tutorial data.


Create pooch class to fetch files from a website.


Download the GemGIS data for each tutorial.