65 Displaying Seismic Horizons and Faults#

This notebook illustrates how to display seismic interpretations created in Petrel and exported as Shape Files in Python. The seismic data was acquired in 2021 and was obtained from the Geological Survey of NRW.


Set File Paths and download Tutorial Data#

If you downloaded the latest GemGIS version from the Github repository, append the path so that the package can be imported successfully. Otherwise, it is recommended to install GemGIS via pip install gemgis and import GemGIS using import gemgis as gg. In addition, the file path to the folder where the data is being stored is set. The tutorial data is downloaded using Pooch (https://www.fatiando.org/pooch/latest/index.html) and stored in the specified folder. Use pip install pooch if Pooch is not installed on your system yet.

import warnings

import gemgis as gg
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import shapely
from typing import Union
from segysak.segy import segy_loader
file_path ='data/65_displaying_seismic_horizons_and_faults/'
gg.download_gemgis_data.download_tutorial_data(filename="65_displaying_seismic_horizons_and_faults.zip", dirpath=file_path)

Opening traces of seismic lines#

For this tutorial, data of the Landesseismik Münsterland (see https://www.gd.nrw.de/zip/gd_report_2301s.pdf as reference) is used.

seismic = gpd.read_file(file_path + 'Seismic_Lines_EPSG25832.shp')
Profile length geometry
0 GD_NRW_2101 25436.00 LINESTRING (389796.000 5749009.000, 389810.000...
1 GD_NRW_2102 48120.00 LINESTRING (379724.000 5765301.500, 379734.000...

Plotting the traces#

figseismic, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10,10))



Loading the seismic data using segysak#

The seismic data is loaded using segysak (https://segysak.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).

landesseismik2102 = segy_loader(file_path + 'Muenster_2D_PreSTM_Stack_2102_AGC.sgy', vert_domain="TWT")
Loading as 2D
Dimensions:  (cdp: 4806, twt: 1751)
  * cdp      (cdp) uint16 10203 10204 10205 10206 ... 15005 15006 15007 15008
  * twt      (twt) float64 0.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 ... 6.992e+03 6.996e+03 7e+03
    cdp_x    (cdp) float32 4.215e+05 4.215e+05 4.215e+05 ... 3.797e+05 3.797e+05
    cdp_y    (cdp) float32 5.743e+06 5.743e+06 5.743e+06 ... 5.765e+06 5.765e+06
Data variables:
    data     (cdp, twt) float32 0.03581 -0.02099 -0.0793 ... -0.01154 0.04135
Attributes: (12/13)
    ns:                  None
    sample_rate:         4.0
    text:                C 1 Client       Geologischer Dienst NRW\nC 2 Contra...
    measurement_system:  m
    d3_domain:           None
    epsg:                None
    ...                  ...
    corner_points_xy:    None
    source_file:         Muenster_2D_PreSTM_Stack_2102_AGC.sgy
    srd:                 None
    datatype:            None
    percentiles:         [-3.0195783868438255, -2.780390889497134, -1.2279652...
    coord_scalar:        -100.0

Converting seismic data to DataFrame#

The seismic data can also be converted to a DataFrame to better inspect the data.

data cdp_x cdp_y
cdp twt
10203 0.00 0.04 421512.00 5743166.00
4.00 -0.02 421512.00 5743166.00
8.00 -0.08 421512.00 5743166.00
12.00 -0.12 421512.00 5743166.00
16.00 -0.12 421512.00 5743166.00
... ... ... ... ...
15008 6984.00 -0.11 379724.00 5765301.50
6988.00 -0.03 379724.00 5765301.50
6992.00 -0.03 379724.00 5765301.50
6996.00 -0.01 379724.00 5765301.50
7000.00 0.04 379724.00 5765301.50

8415306 rows × 3 columns

Getting the seismic colorbar#

We can load a color bar for displaying the seismic data. The colorbars were uploaded to the following repository: https://github.com/lperozzi/Seismic_colormaps

cmap_seismic = gg.visualization.get_seismic_cmap()

Plotting the seismic data#

The seismic data is plotted the built-in plotting function

fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, figsize=(15, 8))



Converting seismic to array#

The loaded seismic data is converted into a NumPy array.

landesseismik2102_array = gg.visualization.seismic_to_array(seismic_data=landesseismik2102, max_depth=4000)
array([[ 0.03581395, -0.02099377, -0.07930481, ..., -0.3949225 ,
        -0.64953464, -0.88681436],
       [ 0.03755527, -0.02159597, -0.08407128, ..., -0.43278015,
        -0.706827  , -0.9397521 ],
       [ 0.04379281, -0.01925519, -0.09289104, ..., -0.45442533,
        -0.7610789 , -1.0000496 ],
       [-0.19376808, -0.18929183, -0.09974575, ..., -1.1590624 ,
        -0.46177298,  0.48989367],
       [-0.16737616, -0.15299934, -0.07530349, ..., -1.0952702 ,
        -0.30956793,  0.64396167],
       [-0.15387064, -0.13157344, -0.06080835, ..., -1.0007935 ,
        -0.14463931,  0.77823424]], dtype=float32)

The same dataset can be obtained using the built-in xarray attributes and methods.

<xarray.DataArray 'data' (twt: 1751, cdp: 4806)>
array([[ 0.03581395,  0.03755527,  0.04379281, ..., -0.19376808,
        -0.16737616, -0.15387064],
       [-0.02099377, -0.02159597, -0.01925519, ..., -0.18929183,
        -0.15299934, -0.13157344],
       [-0.07930481, -0.08407128, -0.09289104, ..., -0.09974575,
        -0.07530349, -0.06080835],
       [ 0.02854965,  0.03610878,  0.03544764, ..., -0.03994363,
        -0.0334743 , -0.02788334],
       [-0.3293916 , -0.32478482, -0.32344526, ..., -0.02570425,
        -0.01836406, -0.01154189],
       [-0.3131938 , -0.3141619 , -0.31639624, ...,  0.03036585,
         0.0359443 ,  0.04135381]], dtype=float32)
  * cdp      (cdp) uint16 10203 10204 10205 10206 ... 15005 15006 15007 15008
  * twt      (twt) float64 0.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 ... 6.992e+03 6.996e+03 7e+03
    cdp_x    (cdp) float32 4.215e+05 4.215e+05 4.215e+05 ... 3.797e+05 3.797e+05
    cdp_y    (cdp) float32 5.743e+06 5.743e+06 5.743e+06 ... 5.765e+06 5.765e+06

Loading Base Cretaceous Horizon - Landesseismik 2102#

The Base Cretaceous Horizon that was interpreted in Petrel is loaded as Shape File.

base_cretaceous_2102 = gpd.read_file(file_path + 'U1_2102.shp')
base_cretaceous_2102 = gg.vector.extract_xyz(base_cretaceous_2102)
base_cretaceous_2102['Name'] = '2102'
base_cretaceous_2102['Z'] = base_cretaceous_2102['Z']*(-1)-150
Type Domain Droid Comment ShapeName Project geometry X Y Z Name
0 Seismic horizon Unknown ://1d9a2dd1-dd1d-4676-a92e-6057e64d33c2/cb463e... NaN Base Cretaceous C:\Users\Nicklas.Ackermann\Desktop\Muensterlan... POINT Z (421497.819 5743179.962 -708.911) 421497.82 5743179.96 558.91 2102
1 Seismic horizon Unknown ://1d9a2dd1-dd1d-4676-a92e-6057e64d33c2/cb463e... NaN Base Cretaceous C:\Users\Nicklas.Ackermann\Desktop\Muensterlan... POINT Z (421490.638 5743186.924 -708.911) 421490.64 5743186.92 558.91 2102
2 Seismic horizon Unknown ://1d9a2dd1-dd1d-4676-a92e-6057e64d33c2/cb463e... NaN Base Cretaceous C:\Users\Nicklas.Ackermann\Desktop\Muensterlan... POINT Z (421483.457 5743193.886 -710.030) 421483.46 5743193.89 560.03 2102
3 Seismic horizon Unknown ://1d9a2dd1-dd1d-4676-a92e-6057e64d33c2/cb463e... NaN Base Cretaceous C:\Users\Nicklas.Ackermann\Desktop\Muensterlan... POINT Z (421476.276 5743200.848 -711.149) 421476.28 5743200.85 561.15 2102
4 Seismic horizon Unknown ://1d9a2dd1-dd1d-4676-a92e-6057e64d33c2/cb463e... NaN Base Cretaceous C:\Users\Nicklas.Ackermann\Desktop\Muensterlan... POINT Z (421469.095 5743207.810 -711.894) 421469.10 5743207.81 561.89 2102
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10,10))


Calculating Position on Seismic Line Base Cretaceous#

The x, y, z positions are converted to positions along the seismic line.

line = seismic.loc[1].geometry
base_cretaceous_2102_features = gg.visualization.calculate_position_on_seismic(line, base_cretaceous_2102, 15008, 10203) base_cretaceous_2102_featuresbase_cretaceous_2102_features.to_file(file_path + 'Seismic_Horizons_CDPs_Lines_Base_Cretaceous.shp')
base_cretaceous_2102_features = gpd.read_file(file_path + 'Seismic_Horizons_CDPs_Lines_Base_Cretaceous.shp')
Name geometry
0 2102 LINESTRING (10204.968 558.911, 10205.975 558.9...
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10,10))
base_cretaceous_2102_features_linestrings, change_points = gg.visualization.split_seismic_horizons(features_gdf=base_cretaceous_2102_features,
base_cretaceous_2102_features_linestrings, change_points
(                                            geometry  id
 0  LINESTRING (10204.968 558.911, 10205.975 558.9...   0
 1  LINESTRING (13187.289 701.514, 13188.379 698.4...   1
 2  LINESTRING (13191.373 723.164, 13192.368 723.1...   2
 3  LINESTRING (15002.008 950.317, 15003.002 950.094)   3,
 [0, 2947, 2951, 4761, 4763])
base_cretaceous_2102_features_points = gg.vector.extract_xy(base_cretaceous_2102_features)
base_cretaceous_2102_features_points['distance'] = base_cretaceous_2102_features_points.distance(base_cretaceous_2102_features_points.shift(), align=True)

Name geometry X Y distance
0 2102 POINT (10204.968 558.911) 10204.97 558.91 NaN
1 2102 POINT (10205.975 558.911) 10205.97 558.91 1.01
2 2102 POINT (10206.981 560.030) 10206.98 560.03 1.50
3 2102 POINT (10207.985 561.149) 10207.98 561.15 1.50
4 2102 POINT (10208.985 561.894) 10208.99 561.89 1.25
... ... ... ... ... ...
4759 2102 POINT (15000.002 909.671) 15000.00 909.67 0.99
4760 2102 POINT (15000.980 909.075) 15000.98 909.07 1.15
4761 2102 POINT (15002.008 950.317) 15002.01 950.32 41.26
4762 2102 POINT (15003.002 950.094) 15003.00 950.09 1.02
4763 2102 POINT (15004.007 949.935) 15004.01 949.93 1.02

4764 rows × 5 columns

threshold = 20
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10,10))

base_cretaceous_2102_features_linestrings.plot(ax=ax, column='id', cmap='Paired')
base_cretaceous_2102_features_points[base_cretaceous_2102_features_points['distance']>=threshold].plot(ax=ax, color='red')
base_cretaceous_2102_features_linestrings.to_file(file_path + 'Seismic_Horizons_CDPs_Lines_Base_Cretaceous_split.shp')
faults = gpd.read_file(file_path + 'Faults_CDPs_Lines_split.shp')
Name geometry
0 Fault interpretation 164 LINESTRING (10410.600 309.512, 10417.264 362.367)
1 Fault interpretation 165 LINESTRING (10348.015 117.902, 10359.164 262.483)
2 Fault interpretation 166 LINESTRING (10825.354 111.007, 10827.121 201.4...
3 Fault interpretation 167 LINESTRING (10806.579 103.932, 10812.443 187.4...
4 Fault interpretation 168 LINESTRING (10919.610 20.529, 10929.574 120.41...
... ... ...
140 Fault interpretation 52 LINESTRING (10378.146 176.226, 10363.864 266.9...
141 Fault interpretation 53 LINESTRING (10438.399 532.834, 10438.399 430.5...
142 Fault interpretation 56 LINESTRING (10661.375 452.519, 10656.012 384.4...
143 Fault interpretation 57 LINESTRING (10783.751 231.979, 10763.524 400.9...
144 Fault interpretation 58 LINESTRING (10737.597 262.077, 10739.699 399.9...

145 rows × 2 columns

Plotting the seismic data and interpretations using matplotlib#

minx = landesseismik2102.to_dataframe().reset_index()['cdp'].min()
maxx = landesseismik2102.to_dataframe().reset_index()['cdp'].max()

minx, maxx
(10203, 15008)
from matplotlib_scalebar.scalebar import ScaleBar
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(12,6))
im = ax.imshow(np.fliplr(landesseismik2102_array.T),

axins = ax.inset_axes(bounds=[0.03, 0.02, 0.01, 0.15])

axseismic = ax.inset_axes(bounds=[0.06, 0.006, 0.17, 0.181])
seismic.plot(ax=axseismic, color='brown', linewidth=0.5)
seismic[1:2].plot(ax=axseismic, color='red', linewidth=1.5)

axseismic.set_ylim(5.725e6, 5.795e6)
axseismic.grid(visible=True, which='both',axis='both')

cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=axins)
cbar.set_label('Amplitude' ,labelpad=-40)

ax.set_ylabel('TWT [ms]')
ax.set_xlabel('CDP No.')
ax.set_title('Landesseismik Münsterland 2102')

ax.text(10350, -100, 'SE', fontsize=16)
ax.text(14800, -100, 'NW', fontsize=16)

pp1 = plt.Rectangle((14550, 3250), 440, 725, zorder=1, facecolor='white', alpha=0.5)

scalebar = ScaleBar(0.01, "km", length_fraction=0.1, location='lower right')

base_cretaceous_2102_features.plot(ax=ax, color='red', linewidth=1, marker='-')
faults.plot(ax=ax, color='black', linewidth=1, marker='-')