Tutorials and Basic Usage#

There is a series of tutorials available for GemGIS. In order to keep the size of the main GemGIS package as small as possible, the data is provided through a separated repository gemgis-data. You can also download the data directly following this link.

Watch our Video Tutorials: link to be provided soon

The following subsections elaborate on the basic API usage of GemGIS. This includes the extraction of information from input data files, the creation of new data and the preparation of data for the geomodeling with GemPy. The respective reading or loading functions of packages such as GeoPandas or rasterio will be used to load the data as GeoDataFrame or rasterio object.

The aim of this and the upcoming tutorials is to demonstrate how to prepare spatial data for geomodeling with GemPy to get a geological model. Raw data is usually created/digitized within QGIS which we encourage the user to use!


Source: Powell, D. (1995): Interpretation geologischer Strukturen durch Karten - Eine praktische Anleitung mit Aufgaben und Lösungen, page 15, figure 10 A, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, ISBN: 978-3-540-58607-4.

Each set of functions of GemGIS is collected in a different module. The functions of each module can be accessed as followed:

import gemgis as gg

data = gg.vector.function_name(...)

data = gg.raster.function_name(...)

data = gg.visualization.function_name(...)

data = gg.web.function_name(...)

data = gg.utils.function_name(...)

data = gg.misc.functions_name(...)
