
gemgis.utils.to_section_dict(gdf: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, section_column: str = 'section_name', resolution: List[int] = None) dict#

Converting custom sections stored in Shape files to GemPy section_dicts

  • gdf (gpd.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing the points or lines of custom sections

  • section_column (str) – String containing the name of the column containing the section names, e.g. section_column='section_name', default is 'section_name'

  • List[int] (resolution -) – List containing the x,y resolution of the custom section, e.g. resolution=[80,80]


section_dict – Dict containing the section names, coordinates and resolution

Return type


New in version 1.0.x.


>>> # Loading Libraries and File
>>> import gemgis as gg
>>> import geopandas as gpd
>>> gdf = gpd.read_file(filename='file.shp')
>>> gdf
    id      geometry                    Section
0       None    POINT (695.467 3.226)       Section1
1       None    POINT (669.284 1060.822)        Section1
>>> # Creating Section dict
>>> section_dict = gg.utils.to_section_dict(gdf=gdf, section_column='Section')
>>> section_dict
{'Section1': ([695.4667461080886, 3.2262250771374283],
[669.2840030245482, 1060.822026058724], [100, 80])}