Example 15 - Three Point Problem#

This example will show how to convert the geological map below using GemGIS to a GemPy model. This example is based on digitized data. The area is 1187 m wide (W-E extent) and 1479 m high (N-S extent). The vertical model extent varies between 100 m and 300 m. This example represents a classic “three-point-problem” of planar dipping layers (green and yellow) above an unspecified basement (purple) which are separated by a fault (blue). The interface points were not recorded at the surface but rather in boreholes at depth. The fault has an offset of 20 m but no further interface points are located beyond the fault. This will be dealt with in a two model approach.

The map has been georeferenced with QGIS. The outcrops of the layers were digitized in QGIS. The contour lines were also digitized and will be interpolated with GemGIS to create a topography for the model.

Map Source: An Introduction to Geological Structures and Maps by G.M. Bennison

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
img = mpimg.imread('../images/cover_example15.png')
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
imgplot = plt.imshow(img)


Computational Geosciences and Reservoir Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Authors: Alexander Juestel. For more information contact: alexander.juestel(at)rwth-aachen.de

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

Import GemGIS#

If you have installed GemGIS via pip or conda, you can import GemGIS like any other package. If you have downloaded the repository, append the path to the directory where the GemGIS repository is stored and then import GemGIS.

import warnings
import gemgis as gg

Importing Libraries and loading Data#

All remaining packages can be loaded in order to prepare the data and to construct the model. The example data is downloaded from an external server using pooch. It will be stored in a data folder in the same directory where this notebook is stored.

import geopandas as gpd
import rasterio
file_path = 'data/example15/'
gg.download_gemgis_data.download_tutorial_data(filename="example15_three_point_problem.zip", dirpath=file_path)
Downloading file 'example15_three_point_problem.zip' from 'https://rwth-aachen.sciebo.de/s/AfXRsZywYDbUF34/download?path=%2Fexample15_three_point_problem.zip' to 'C:\Users\ale93371\Documents\gemgis\docs\getting_started\example\data\example15'.

Creating Digital Elevation Model from Contour Lines#

The digital elevation model (DEM) will be created by interpolating contour lines digitized from the georeferenced map using the SciPy Radial Basis Function interpolation wrapped in GemGIS. The respective function used for that is gg.vector.interpolate_raster().

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
img = mpimg.imread('../images/dem_example15.png')
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
imgplot = plt.imshow(img)
topo = gpd.read_file(file_path + 'topo15.shp')
id Z geometry
0 None 180 LINESTRING (608.177 -0.021, 598.911 22.516, 58...
1 None 190 LINESTRING (323.662 216.425, 321.832 254.178, ...
2 None 200 LINESTRING (142.794 190.113, 153.433 227.980, ...
3 None 250 LINESTRING (1.395 1193.695, 20.385 1232.592, 3...
4 None 240 LINESTRING (1.623 925.311, 8.487 939.039, 13.7...

Interpolating the contour lines#

topo_raster = gg.vector.interpolate_raster(gdf=topo, value='Z', method='rbf', res=5)

Plotting the raster#

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fix, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 10))
topo.plot(ax=ax, aspect='equal', column='Z', cmap='gist_earth')
im = plt.imshow(topo_raster, origin='lower', extent=[0, 1187, 0, 1479], cmap='gist_earth')
cbar = plt.colorbar(im)
cbar.set_label('Altitude [m]')
ax.set_xlabel('X [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Y [m]')
ax.set_xlim(0, 1187)
ax.set_ylim(0, 1479)
(0.0, 1479.0)

Saving the raster to disc#

After the interpolation of the contour lines, the raster is saved to disc using gg.raster.save_as_tiff(). The function will not be executed as a raster is already provided with the example data.

gg.raster.save_as_tiff(raster=topo_raster, path=file_path + 'raster15.tif', extent=[0, 1187, 0, 1479], crs='EPSG:4326', overwrite_file=True)

Opening Raster#

The previously computed and saved raster can now be opened using rasterio.

topo_raster = rasterio.open(file_path + 'raster15.tif')

Interface Points of stratigraphic boundaries#

The interface points for this three point example will be digitized as points with the respective height value as given by the borehole information and the respective formation.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
img = mpimg.imread('../images/interfaces_example15.png')
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
imgplot = plt.imshow(img)
interfaces = gpd.read_file(file_path + 'interfaces15.shp')
id formation Z geometry
0 None Shale 190 POINT (69.806 954.941)
1 None Ironstone 170 POINT (69.806 954.941)
2 None Ironstone 190 POINT (145.769 562.774)
3 None Ironstone 185 POINT (264.746 660.701)
4 None Shale 210 POINT (146.226 563.346)

Extracting Z coordinate from Digital Elevation Model#

interfaces_coords = gg.vector.extract_xyz(gdf=interfaces, dem=None)
formation Z geometry X Y
0 Shale 190.00 POINT (69.806 954.941) 69.81 954.94
1 Ironstone 170.00 POINT (69.806 954.941) 69.81 954.94
2 Ironstone 190.00 POINT (145.769 562.774) 145.77 562.77
3 Ironstone 185.00 POINT (264.746 660.701) 264.75 660.70
4 Shale 210.00 POINT (146.226 563.346) 146.23 563.35
5 Shale 205.00 POINT (264.746 660.701) 264.75 660.70
fault = gpd.read_file(file_path + 'fault15.shp')
fault = gg.vector.extract_xyz(gdf=fault, dem=topo_raster)
formation geometry X Y Z
0 Fault POINT (683.911 0.608) 683.91 0.61 178.76
1 Fault POINT (899.671 1477.524) 899.67 1477.52 254.62
import pandas as pd

interfaces_coords = pd.concat([interfaces_coords, fault]).reset_index()
index formation Z geometry X Y
0 0 Shale 190.00 POINT (69.806 954.941) 69.81 954.94
1 1 Ironstone 170.00 POINT (69.806 954.941) 69.81 954.94
2 2 Ironstone 190.00 POINT (145.769 562.774) 145.77 562.77
3 3 Ironstone 185.00 POINT (264.746 660.701) 264.75 660.70
4 4 Shale 210.00 POINT (146.226 563.346) 146.23 563.35
5 5 Shale 205.00 POINT (264.746 660.701) 264.75 660.70
6 0 Fault 178.76 POINT (683.911 0.608) 683.91 0.61
7 1 Fault 254.62 POINT (899.671 1477.524) 899.67 1477.52

Plotting the Interface Points#

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 10))

interfaces.plot(ax=ax, column='formation', legend=True, aspect='equal')
interfaces_coords.plot(ax=ax, column='formation', legend=True, aspect='equal')
ax.set_xlabel('X [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Y [m]')
ax.set_xlim(0, 1187)
ax.set_ylim(0, 1479)
(0.0, 1479.0)

Orientations from Strike Lines#

For this three point example, an orientation is calculated using gg.vector.calculate_orientation_for_three_point_problem().

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
img = mpimg.imread('../images/orientations_example15.png')
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
imgplot = plt.imshow(img)
orientations1 = gpd.read_file(file_path + 'interfaces15.shp')
orientations1 = orientations1[orientations1['formation']=='Ironstone']
id formation Z geometry
1 None Ironstone 170 POINT (69.806 954.941)
2 None Ironstone 190 POINT (145.769 562.774)
3 None Ironstone 185 POINT (264.746 660.701)
orientations1 = gg.vector.calculate_orientation_for_three_point_problem(gdf=orientations1)
Z formation azimuth dip polarity X Y geometry
0 181.67 Ironstone -179.95 177.08 1 160.11 726.14 POINT (160.107 726.139)

Changing the Data Type of Fields#

orientations1['Z'] = orientations1['Z'].astype(float)
orientations1['azimuth'] = orientations1['azimuth'].astype(float)
orientations1['dip'] = orientations1['dip'].astype(float)
orientations1['dip'] = 180 - orientations1['dip']
orientations1['azimuth'] = 180 - orientations1['azimuth']
orientations1['polarity'] = orientations1['polarity'].astype(float)
orientations1['X'] = orientations1['X'].astype(float)
orientations1['Y'] = orientations1['Y'].astype(float)
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1 entries, 0 to 0
Data columns (total 8 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------     --------------  -----
 0   Z          1 non-null      float64
 1   formation  1 non-null      object
 2   azimuth    1 non-null      float64
 3   dip        1 non-null      float64
 4   polarity   1 non-null      float64
 5   X          1 non-null      float64
 6   Y          1 non-null      float64
 7   geometry   1 non-null      geometry
dtypes: float64(6), geometry(1), object(1)
memory usage: 192.0+ bytes
orientations2 = gpd.read_file(file_path + 'interfaces15.shp')
orientations2 = orientations2[orientations2['formation']=='Shale']
id formation Z geometry
0 None Shale 190 POINT (69.806 954.941)
4 None Shale 210 POINT (146.226 563.346)
5 None Shale 205 POINT (264.746 660.701)
orientations2 = gg.vector.calculate_orientation_for_three_point_problem(gdf=orientations2)
Z formation azimuth dip polarity X Y geometry
0 201.67 Shale -179.77 177.07 1 160.26 726.33 POINT (160.259 726.329)

Changing the Data Type of Fields#

orientations2['Z'] = orientations2['Z'].astype(float)
orientations2['azimuth'] = orientations2['azimuth'].astype(float)
orientations2['dip'] = orientations2['dip'].astype(float)
orientations2['dip'] = 180 - orientations2['dip']
orientations2['azimuth'] = 180 - orientations2['azimuth']
orientations2['polarity'] = orientations2['polarity'].astype(float)
orientations2['X'] = orientations2['X'].astype(float)
orientations2['Y'] = orientations2['Y'].astype(float)
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1 entries, 0 to 0
Data columns (total 8 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------     --------------  -----
 0   Z          1 non-null      float64
 1   formation  1 non-null      object
 2   azimuth    1 non-null      float64
 3   dip        1 non-null      float64
 4   polarity   1 non-null      float64
 5   X          1 non-null      float64
 6   Y          1 non-null      float64
 7   geometry   1 non-null      geometry
dtypes: float64(6), geometry(1), object(1)
memory usage: 192.0+ bytes
orientations_fault = gpd.read_file(file_path + 'orientations15_fault.shp')
orientations_fault = gg.vector.extract_xyz(gdf=orientations_fault, dem=topo_raster)
formation dip azimuth polarity geometry X Y Z
0 Fault 90.00 280.00 1.00 POINT (792.591 727.511) 792.59 727.51 215.87

Merging Orientations#

orientations = pd.concat([orientations1, orientations2, orientations_fault]).reset_index()
index Z formation azimuth dip polarity X Y geometry
0 0 181.67 Ironstone 359.95 2.92 1.00 160.11 726.14 POINT (160.107 726.139)
1 0 201.67 Shale 359.77 2.93 1.00 160.26 726.33 POINT (160.259 726.329)
2 0 215.87 Fault 280.00 90.00 1.00 792.59 727.51 POINT (792.591 727.511)

Plotting the Orientations#

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10,10))

interfaces.plot(ax=ax, column='formation', legend=True, aspect='equal')
interfaces_coords.plot(ax=ax, column='formation', legend=True, aspect='equal')
orientations.plot(ax=ax, color='red', aspect='equal')
plt.xlabel('X [m]')
plt.ylabel('Y [m]')
Text(179.77829589465532, 0.5, 'Y [m]')

GemPy Model Construction (Part A)#

The structural geological model will be constructed using the GemPy package. The first model is calculated without the fault.

import gempy as gp
WARNING (theano.configdefaults): g++ not available, if using conda: `conda install m2w64-toolchain`
WARNING (theano.configdefaults): g++ not detected ! Theano will be unable to execute optimized C-implementations (for both CPU and GPU) and will default to Python implementations. Performance will be severely degraded. To remove this warning, set Theano flags cxx to an empty string.
WARNING (theano.tensor.blas): Using NumPy C-API based implementation for BLAS functions.

Creating New Model#

geo_model = gp.create_model('Model15a')
Model15a  2022-04-05 11:07

Initiate Data#

The fault interfaces and orientations will be removed from the first model to model the layers also beyond the fault. As the information is provided that the fault has an offset of 20 m, the layers will be exported, the boundaries will be digitized and the elevation will be reduced by 20 m.

interfaces_coords_new=interfaces_coords[interfaces_coords['formation'] != 'Fault']
index formation Z geometry X Y
0 0 Shale 190.00 POINT (69.806 954.941) 69.81 954.94
1 1 Ironstone 170.00 POINT (69.806 954.941) 69.81 954.94
2 2 Ironstone 190.00 POINT (145.769 562.774) 145.77 562.77
3 3 Ironstone 185.00 POINT (264.746 660.701) 264.75 660.70
4 4 Shale 210.00 POINT (146.226 563.346) 146.23 563.35
5 5 Shale 205.00 POINT (264.746 660.701) 264.75 660.70
orientations_new=orientations[orientations['formation'] != 'Fault']
index Z formation azimuth dip polarity X Y geometry
0 0 181.67 Ironstone 359.95 2.92 1.00 160.11 726.14 POINT (160.107 726.139)
1 0 201.67 Shale 359.77 2.93 1.00 160.26 726.33 POINT (160.259 726.329)
gp.init_data(geo_model, [0, 1187, 0, 1479, 100, 300], [100, 100, 100],
             surface_points_df=interfaces_coords_new[interfaces_coords_new['Z'] != 0],
Active grids: ['regular']
Model15a  2022-04-05 11:07

Model Surfaces#

surface series order_surfaces color id
0 Shale Default series 1 #015482 1
1 Ironstone Default series 2 #9f0052 2

Mapping the Stack to Surfaces#

                          'Strata1': ('Shale', 'Ironstone'),
surface series order_surfaces color id
0 Shale Strata1 1 #015482 1
1 Ironstone Strata1 2 #9f0052 2
2 Basement Strata1 3 #ffbe00 3

Showing the Number of Data Points#

surface series order_surfaces color id No. of Interfaces No. of Orientations
0 Shale Strata1 1 #015482 1 3 1
1 Ironstone Strata1 2 #9f0052 2 3 1
2 Basement Strata1 3 #ffbe00 3 0 0

Loading Digital Elevation Model#

    source='gdal', filepath=file_path + 'raster15.tif')
Cropped raster to geo_model.grid.extent.
depending on the size of the raster, this can take a while...
storing converted file...
Active grids: ['regular' 'topography']
Grid Object. Values:
array([[   5.935     ,    7.395     ,  101.        ],
       [   5.935     ,    7.395     ,  103.        ],
       [   5.935     ,    7.395     ,  105.        ],
       [1184.49578059, 1466.50844595,  275.3008728 ],
       [1184.49578059, 1471.50506757,  275.80532837],
       [1184.49578059, 1476.50168919,  276.31124878]])

Plotting Input Data#

gp.plot_2d(geo_model, direction='z', show_lith=False, show_boundaries=False)
gp.plot_3d(geo_model, image=False, plotter_type='basic', notebook=True)
<gempy.plot.vista.GemPyToVista at 0x1e68be5d250>

Setting the Interpolator#

Compiling theano function...
Level of Optimization:  fast_compile
Device:  cpu
Precision:  float64
Number of faults:  0
Compilation Done!
Kriging values:
range            1906.94
$C_o$           86581.19
drift equations      [3]
<gempy.core.interpolator.InterpolatorModel at 0x1e685ddafd0>

Computing Model#

sol = gp.compute_model(geo_model, compute_mesh=True)

Plotting Cross Sections#

gp.plot_2d(geo_model, direction=['x', 'x', 'y', 'y'], cell_number=[25, 75, 25, 75], show_topography=True, show_data=False)
<gempy.plot.visualization_2d.Plot2D at 0x1e68a3e4a90>

Plotting 3D Model#

gpv = gp.plot_3d(geo_model, image=False, show_topography=True,
                 plotter_type='basic', notebook=True, show_lith=True)

Creating Polygons from GemPy Model#

A GeoDataFrame containing polygons representing the geological map can be created using gg.post.extract_lithologies(). This data is now being saved and the constructed layer boundaries beyond the fault in the east are being digitized. Their elevation values will be reduced by 20 m to simulate the offset of the fault. The model will then be recalculated again.

gdf = gg.post.extract_lithologies(geo_model, [0, 1187, 0, 1479], 'EPSG:4326')
formation geometry
0 Basement POLYGON ((22.538 3.254, 22.804 2.498, 27.546 2...
1 Ironstone POLYGON ((7.513 2.498, 12.521 2.498, 17.530 2....
2 Ironstone POLYGON ((5.851 192.370, 7.513 194.147, 10.887...
3 Shale POLYGON ((4.134 362.255, 7.513 365.081, 10.021...
gdf = gpd.read_file(file_path + 'geolmap.shp')
formation geometry
0 Conglomerate POLYGON ((22.538 3.254, 21.064 7.495, 19.356 1...
1 Ironstone POLYGON ((7.513 2.498, 2.504 2.498, 2.504 7.49...
2 Ironstone POLYGON ((5.851 192.370, 2.504 188.069, 2.504 ...
3 Shale POLYGON ((4.134 362.255, 2.504 360.939, 2.504 ...
gdf.plot(column='formation',  alpha=0.9, aspect='equal')

Preparing Interfaces beyond the fault#

interfaces_beyond_fault =  gpd.read_file(file_path + 'interfaces15_beyond_fault.shp')
interfaces_beyond_fault = gg.vector.extract_xyz(gdf=interfaces_beyond_fault, dem=topo_raster)
formation geometry X Y Z
0 Shale POINT (778.812 601.522) 778.81 601.52 208.06
1 Shale POINT (783.821 597.991) 783.82 597.99 208.15
2 Shale POINT (788.829 594.245) 788.83 594.25 208.26
3 Shale POINT (791.557 592.100) 791.56 592.10 208.71
4 Shale POINT (797.430 587.103) 797.43 587.10 208.89
... ... ... ... ... ...
250 Ironstone POINT (1169.470 270.001) 1169.47 270.00 205.13
251 Ironstone POINT (1172.985 267.319) 1172.99 267.32 205.24
252 Ironstone POINT (1174.479 266.187) 1174.48 266.19 205.24
253 Ironstone POINT (1179.487 262.439) 1179.49 262.44 205.33
254 Ironstone POINT (1184.496 258.751) 1184.50 258.75 205.42

255 rows × 5 columns

Substracting the fault offset#

formation geometry X Y Z
0 Shale POINT (778.812 601.522) 778.81 601.52 188.06
1 Shale POINT (783.821 597.991) 783.82 597.99 188.15
2 Shale POINT (788.829 594.245) 788.83 594.25 188.26
3 Shale POINT (791.557 592.100) 791.56 592.10 188.71
4 Shale POINT (797.430 587.103) 797.43 587.10 188.89
... ... ... ... ... ...
250 Ironstone POINT (1169.470 270.001) 1169.47 270.00 185.13
251 Ironstone POINT (1172.985 267.319) 1172.99 267.32 185.24
252 Ironstone POINT (1174.479 266.187) 1174.48 266.19 185.24
253 Ironstone POINT (1179.487 262.439) 1179.49 262.44 185.33
254 Ironstone POINT (1184.496 258.751) 1184.50 258.75 185.42

255 rows × 5 columns

Mergin old and new interfaces#

interfaces_coords = pd.concat([interfaces_coords, interfaces_beyond_fault.sample(n=50)]).reset_index()
level_0 index formation Z geometry X Y
0 0 0.00 Shale 190.00 POINT (69.806 954.941) 69.81 954.94
1 1 1.00 Ironstone 170.00 POINT (69.806 954.941) 69.81 954.94
2 2 2.00 Ironstone 190.00 POINT (145.769 562.774) 145.77 562.77
3 3 3.00 Ironstone 185.00 POINT (264.746 660.701) 264.75 660.70
4 4 4.00 Shale 210.00 POINT (146.226 563.346) 146.23 563.35
5 5 5.00 Shale 205.00 POINT (264.746 660.701) 264.75 660.70
6 6 0.00 Fault 178.76 POINT (683.911 0.608) 683.91 0.61
7 7 1.00 Fault 254.62 POINT (899.671 1477.524) 899.67 1477.52
8 177 NaN Ironstone 176.27 POINT (949.099 437.906) 949.10 437.91
9 199 NaN Ironstone 177.36 POINT (1039.795 417.218) 1039.79 417.22
10 156 NaN Ironstone 176.90 POINT (853.939 427.352) 853.94 427.35
11 127 NaN Shale 194.60 POINT (1169.470 472.641) 1169.47 472.64
12 4 NaN Shale 188.89 POINT (797.430 587.103) 797.43 587.10
13 230 NaN Ironstone 182.46 POINT (1114.378 320.613) 1114.38 320.61
14 155 NaN Ironstone 176.77 POINT (848.930 428.164) 848.93 428.16
15 196 NaN Ironstone 177.05 POINT (1034.243 423.251) 1034.24 423.25
16 110 NaN Shale 191.82 POINT (1124.395 527.284) 1124.39 527.28
17 0 NaN Shale 188.06 POINT (778.812 601.522) 778.81 601.52
18 20 NaN Shale 190.81 POINT (838.823 547.130) 838.82 547.13
19 74 NaN Shale 187.12 POINT (1034.243 618.288) 1034.24 618.29
20 92 NaN Shale 188.89 POINT (1085.673 582.106) 1085.67 582.11
21 138 NaN Ironstone 175.84 POINT (783.821 447.680) 783.82 447.68
22 119 NaN Shale 193.19 POINT (1144.428 499.461) 1144.43 499.46
23 94 NaN Shale 189.24 POINT (1089.653 577.110) 1089.65 577.11
24 77 NaN Shale 187.33 POINT (1044.259 616.032) 1044.26 616.03
25 123 NaN Shale 193.80 POINT (1154.445 488.152) 1154.45 488.15
26 53 NaN Shale 189.23 POINT (965.782 582.106) 965.78 582.11
27 8 NaN Shale 189.40 POINT (807.567 577.110) 807.57 577.11
28 194 NaN Ironstone 176.60 POINT (1024.226 432.683) 1024.23 432.68
29 160 NaN Ironstone 177.25 POINT (868.964 425.396) 868.96 425.40
30 181 NaN Ironstone 176.12 POINT (969.133 446.025) 969.13 446.03
31 55 NaN Shale 189.01 POINT (971.197 587.103) 971.20 587.10
32 233 NaN Ironstone 183.05 POINT (1122.155 312.289) 1122.16 312.29
33 241 NaN Ironstone 184.02 POINT (1142.482 292.302) 1142.48 292.30
34 144 NaN Ironstone 176.33 POINT (803.854 440.894) 803.85 440.89
35 252 NaN Ironstone 185.24 POINT (1174.479 266.187) 1174.48 266.19
36 152 NaN Ironstone 176.80 POINT (833.905 431.359) 833.91 431.36
37 3 NaN Shale 188.71 POINT (791.557 592.100) 791.56 592.10
38 129 NaN Shale 194.85 POINT (1174.933 467.184) 1174.93 467.18
39 46 NaN Shale 190.13 POINT (944.754 562.120) 944.75 562.12
40 169 NaN Ironstone 176.79 POINT (914.040 427.799) 914.04 427.80
41 211 NaN Ironstone 179.46 POINT (1069.302 377.432) 1069.30 377.43
42 186 NaN Ironstone 175.71 POINT (989.167 448.328) 989.17 448.33
43 206 NaN Ironstone 178.75 POINT (1059.017 392.235) 1059.02 392.23
44 149 NaN Ironstone 176.38 POINT (823.888 434.155) 823.89 434.15
45 212 NaN Ironstone 179.93 POINT (1072.891 372.248) 1072.89 372.25
46 225 NaN Ironstone 181.85 POINT (1103.757 332.275) 1103.76 332.28
47 187 NaN Ironstone 175.83 POINT (994.175 447.621) 994.18 447.62
48 42 NaN Shale 190.77 POINT (931.344 552.127) 931.34 552.13
49 109 NaN Shale 191.38 POINT (1121.307 532.140) 1121.31 532.14
50 108 NaN Shale 191.45 POINT (1119.386 535.097) 1119.39 535.10
51 38 NaN Shale 191.03 POINT (919.049 545.720) 919.05 545.72
52 192 NaN Ironstone 176.51 POINT (1018.269 437.204) 1018.27 437.20
53 121 NaN Shale 193.50 POINT (1149.437 493.655) 1149.44 493.66
54 254 NaN Ironstone 185.42 POINT (1184.496 258.751) 1184.50 258.75
55 222 NaN Ironstone 181.17 POINT (1094.344 343.135) 1094.34 343.14
56 184 NaN Ironstone 175.73 POINT (979.150 448.200) 979.15 448.20
57 209 NaN Ironstone 178.98 POINT (1064.293 384.655) 1064.29 384.65

GemPy Model Construction (Part B)#

The structural geological model will be constructed using the GemPy package.

import gempy as gp

Creating new Model#

geo_model = gp.create_model('Model15b')
Model15b  2022-04-05 11:08

Initiate Data#

gp.init_data(geo_model, [0, 1187, 0, 1479, 100, 300], [100, 100, 100],
             surface_points_df=interfaces_coords[interfaces_coords['Z'] != 0],
Active grids: ['regular']
Model15b  2022-04-05 11:08

Model Surfaces#

surface series order_surfaces color id
0 Shale Default series 1 #015482 1
1 Ironstone Default series 2 #9f0052 2
2 Fault Default series 3 #ffbe00 3

Mapping the Stack to Surfaces#

                          'Fault1' : ('Fault'),
                          'Strata1': ('Shale', 'Ironstone'),
Fault colors changed. If you do not like this behavior, set change_color to False.
order_series BottomRelation isActive isFault isFinite
Fault1 1 Fault True True False
Strata1 2 Erosion True False False

Showing the Number of Data Points#

surface series order_surfaces color id No. of Interfaces No. of Orientations
2 Fault Fault1 1 #527682 1 2 1
0 Shale Strata1 1 #9f0052 2 25 1
1 Ironstone Strata1 2 #ffbe00 3 31 1
3 Basement Strata1 3 #728f02 4 0 0

Loading Digital Elevation Model#

    source='gdal', filepath=file_path + 'raster15.tif')
Cropped raster to geo_model.grid.extent.
depending on the size of the raster, this can take a while...
storing converted file...
Active grids: ['regular' 'topography']
Grid Object. Values:
array([[   5.935     ,    7.395     ,  101.        ],
       [   5.935     ,    7.395     ,  103.        ],
       [   5.935     ,    7.395     ,  105.        ],
       [1184.49578059, 1466.50844595,  275.3008728 ],
       [1184.49578059, 1471.50506757,  275.80532837],
       [1184.49578059, 1476.50168919,  276.31124878]])

Plotting Input Data#

gp.plot_2d(geo_model, direction='z', show_lith=False, show_boundaries=False)
gp.plot_3d(geo_model, image=False, plotter_type='basic', notebook=True)
<gempy.plot.vista.GemPyToVista at 0x1e6886403d0>

Setting the Interpolator#

                    update_kriging = False
Compiling theano function...
Level of Optimization:  fast_compile
Device:  cpu
Precision:  float64
Number of faults:  1
Compilation Done!
Kriging values:
range            1906.94
$C_o$           86581.19
drift equations   [3, 3]
<gempy.core.interpolator.InterpolatorModel at 0x1e687f7d370>

Computing Model#

sol = gp.compute_model(geo_model, compute_mesh=True)

Plotting Cross Sections#

gp.plot_2d(geo_model, direction=['x', 'x', 'y', 'y'], cell_number=[25, 75, 25, 75], show_topography=True, show_data=False)
<gempy.plot.visualization_2d.Plot2D at 0x1e6b7bacbb0>

Plotting 3D Model#

gpv = gp.plot_3d(geo_model, image=False, show_topography=True,
                 plotter_type='basic', notebook=True, show_lith=True)
[ ]: