
gemgis.visualization.get_color_lot(geo_model, lith_c: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame = None, index='surface', is_faults: bool = True, is_basement: bool = False) pandas.core.series.Series#
Method to get the right color list depending on the type of plot.

Borrowed from

  • geo_model (gp.core.model.Project) – Previously calculated GemPy Model

  • lith_c (pd.DataFrame) – Pandas Series with index surface names and values hex strings with the colors

  • index (str) – Index provided as string, e.g. index='surface', default is 'surface'

  • is_faults (bool) – Return the colors of the faults. This should be true for surfaces and input data and false for scalar values. Options include True and False, default is True

  • is_basement (bool) – Return or not the basement. This should be true for the lith block and false for surfaces and input data. Options include True and False, default is False

New in version 1.0.x.