15 Opening Leapfrog Meshes and GoCAD TSurfaces with GemGIS#

Several different modeling packages store their data in different data types. The following illustrates how to load Leapfrog meshes (.msh-files) and GoCAD TSurfaces (.ts-files) with GemGIS and convert them to a plotable PyVista format.


Set File Paths and download Tutorial Data#

If you downloaded the latest GemGIS version from the Github repository, append the path so that the package can be imported successfully. Otherwise, it is recommended to install GemGIS via pip install gemgis and import GemGIS using import gemgis as gg. In addition, the file path to the folder where the data is being stored is set. The tutorial data is downloaded using Pooch (https://www.fatiando.org/pooch/latest/index.html) and stored in the specified folder. Use pip install pooch if Pooch is not installed on your system yet.

import gemgis as gg

file_path ='data/15_opening_leapfrog_meshes_and_gocad_tsurfaces/'
gg.download_gemgis_data.download_tutorial_data(filename="15_opening_leapfrog_meshes_and_gocad_tsurfaces.zip", dirpath=file_path)

Reading Leapfrog Meshes#

Loading the Mesh Data#

The Leapfrog mesh (.msh) is loaded and parsed with read_msh(..). A dictionary containing the face and vertex data will be returned.

import numpy as np

data = gg.raster.read_msh(file_path + 'GM_Granodiorite.msh')
{'Tri': array([[    0,     1,     2],
        [    0,     3,     1],
        [    4,     3,     0],
        [53677, 53672, 53680],
        [53679, 53677, 53680],
        [53673, 53672, 53677]]),
 'Location': array([[ 1.44625109e+06,  5.24854344e+06, -1.12743862e+02],
        [ 1.44624766e+06,  5.24854640e+06, -1.15102216e+02],
        [ 1.44624808e+06,  5.24854657e+06, -1.15080548e+02],
        [ 1.44831008e+06,  5.24896679e+06, -1.24755449e+02],
        [ 1.44830385e+06,  5.24896985e+06, -1.33694397e+02],
        [ 1.44829874e+06,  5.24897215e+06, -1.42506587e+02]])}
dict_keys(['Tri', 'Location'])

Converting Mesh Data to PyVista PolyData#

The loaded data will now be converted to PyVista PolyData using create_polydata_from_msh(..).

surf = gg.visualization.create_polydata_from_msh(data)
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells107358
N Points53681
N Strips0
X Bounds1.444e+06, 1.449e+06
Y Bounds5.246e+06, 5.249e+06
Z Bounds-2.464e+02, 7.396e+02
N Arrays1
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax
Depth [m]Pointsfloat641-2.464e+027.396e+02

Plotting the data#

Once converted, the data can easily be plotted using PyVista.

import pyvista as pv
sargs = dict(fmt="%.0f", color='black')
p = pv.Plotter(notebook=True)

p.add_mesh(surf, scalar_bar_args=sargs)

C:\Users\ale93371\Anaconda3\envs\gemgis_test\lib\site-packages\pyvista\jupyter\notebook.py:60: UserWarning: Failed to use notebook backend:

Please install `ipyvtklink` to use this feature: https://github.com/Kitware/ipyvtklink

Falling back to a static output.

Reading GoCAD TSurfaces#

Loading the Mesh Data#

The GoCAD mesh (.ts) is loaded and parsed with read_ts(..). An array containing the face data and a DataFrame containing the vertex data will be returned.

Source: KVB Model of the Geological Survey NRW

import gemgis as gg
import numpy as np

data = gg.raster.read_ts(file_path + 'KVB_12_Hermann_Katharina.ts')
id X Y Z aproz blk fl flko flz1 flz2 grs id_gocad kenn vol vola
0 0 297077.41 5677487.26 -838.50 0 672132 5.01 63 1777 277 672 6721321830000.00 1 3156.85 3156.85
1 1 297437.54 5676992.09 -816.61 0 672132 5.01 63 1777 277 672 6721321830000.00 1 3156.85 3156.85
2 2 298816.17 5677906.68 -590.82 0 672132 5.01 63 1777 277 672 6721321830000.00 1 3156.85 3156.85
3 3 298031.07 5678779.55 -648.69 0 672132 5.01 63 1777 277 672 6721321830000.00 1 3156.85 3156.85
4 4 298852.68 5678065.33 -578.15 0 672132 5.01 63 1777 277 672 6721321830000.00 1 3156.85 3156.85
5 5 298937.09 5677681.53 -586.45 0 672132 5.01 63 1777 277 672 6721321830000.00 1 3156.85 3156.85
6 6 298879.99 5677753.93 -590.39 0 672132 5.01 63 1777 277 672 6721321830000.00 1 3156.85 3156.85
7 7 296511.14 5678571.41 -857.09 0 672132 5.01 63 1777 277 672 6721321830000.00 1 3156.85 3156.85
8 8 296737.27 5677981.61 -857.57 0 672132 5.01 63 1777 277 672 6721321830000.00 1 3156.85 3156.85
9 9 295827.68 5680951.57 -825.33 0 672132 5.01 63 1777 277 672 6721321830000.00 1 3156.85 3156.85
10 10 295622.92 5680839.83 -857.65 0 672132 5.01 63 1777 277 672 6721321830000.00 1 3156.85 3156.85
11 11 298966.25 5677660.32 -583.73 0 672132 5.01 63 1777 277 672 6721321830000.00 1 3156.85 3156.85
12 12 299004.59 5677618.71 -580.85 0 672132 5.01 63 1777 277 672 6721321830000.00 1 3156.85 3156.85
13 13 297014.31 5679862.08 -726.26 0 672132 5.01 63 1777 277 672 6721321830000.00 1 3156.85 3156.85
array([[ 0,  1,  2],
       [ 3,  2,  4],
       [ 1,  5,  6],
       [ 3,  7,  8],
       [ 9, 10,  7],
       [ 3,  0,  2],
       [ 1, 11,  5],
       [ 3,  8,  0],
       [ 1, 12, 11],
       [ 3, 13,  7],
       [ 1,  6,  2],
       [13,  9,  7]])

Converting Mesh Data to PyVista PolyData#

The loaded data will now be converted to PyVista PolyData using create_polydata_from_ts(..).

surf = gg.visualization.create_polydata_from_ts(data=data, concat=True)
surf.save(file_path + 'mesh.vtk')
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells29271
N Points40339
N Strips0
X Bounds2.804e+05, 5.161e+05
Y Bounds5.640e+06, 5.833e+06
Z Bounds-8.067e+03, 1.457e+02
N Arrays1
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax
Depth [m]Pointsfloat641-8.067e+031.457e+02

Plotting the data#

Once converted, the data can easily be plotted using PyVista.

import pyvista as pv
sargs = dict(fmt="%.0f", color='black')

p = pv.Plotter(notebook=True)

p.add_mesh(surf, scalar_bar_args=sargs)

C:\Users\ale93371\Anaconda3\envs\gemgis_test\lib\site-packages\pyvista\jupyter\notebook.py:60: UserWarning: Failed to use notebook backend:

Please install `ipyvtklink` to use this feature: https://github.com/Kitware/ipyvtklink

Falling back to a static output.

Extracting Polygons from Faces#

If you would like to display your mesh data or in particular the faces in a GIS, the faces can be converted to Shapely Polygons using create_polygons_from_faces(..). However, each connected surface is now divided in these triangles. The next step is to unify/merge the triangles that belonged to one surface before.

polygons = gg.vector.create_polygons_from_faces(mesh=surf, crs='EPSG:25832')
0 POLYGON Z ((297077.414 5677487.262 -838.496, 2...
1 POLYGON Z ((298031.070 5678779.547 -648.688, 2...
2 POLYGON Z ((297437.539 5676992.094 -816.608, 2...
3 POLYGON Z ((298031.070 5678779.547 -648.688, 2...
4 POLYGON Z ((295827.680 5680951.574 -825.328, 2...
... ...
29266 POLYGON Z ((344329.793 5706418.469 -393.606, 3...
29267 POLYGON Z ((344329.793 5706418.469 -393.606, 3...
29268 POLYGON Z ((344329.793 5706418.469 -393.606, 3...
29269 POLYGON Z ((345667.453 5707314.279 -470.917, 3...
29270 POLYGON Z ((345667.453 5707314.279 -470.917, 3...

29271 rows × 1 columns

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Merging Triangles to Polygons#

Adjacent triangle can now be merged to form single larger polygons using unify_polygons(..).

NB: Currently, Polygons overlapping in their Z dimension are being connected as the underlying Shapely ``unary_union(..)`` function does not account for these overlaps. This was mentioned here: https://github.com/Toblerity/Shapely/issues/1062.

polygons = polygons[polygons.is_valid]
polygons_merged = gg.vector.unify_polygons(polygons=polygons)
0 POLYGON Z ((291580.844 5649724.719 -1109.020, ...
1 POLYGON Z ((290608.406 5648212.812 -429.361, 2...
2 POLYGON Z ((290663.789 5649081.398 -611.540, 2...
3 POLYGON Z ((282206.945 5651577.906 -1157.900, ...
4 POLYGON Z ((288040.180 5652251.234 -1502.510, ...
... ...
252 POLYGON Z ((427861.164 5763280.822 -1735.720, ...
253 POLYGON Z ((426182.065 5765870.283 -1396.278, ...
254 POLYGON Z ((429349.305 5785956.133 -1630.430, ...
255 POLYGON Z ((437544.578 5773703.578 -2109.440, ...
256 POLYGON Z ((438054.836 5796648.406 -2511.880, ...

257 rows × 1 columns


Opening a second dataset with different file structure#

It was encountered that the file structure of TS surfaces of the TUNB model for northern Germany have a different file structure. The code was adapted accordingly and now, both file structures can be opened.

data2 = gg.raster.read_ts(file_path + '11_NI_sm.ts')
surf2 = gg.visualization.create_polydata_from_ts(data=data2, concat=False)
surf2.save(file_path + 'mesh2.vtk')
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells1494602
N Points807418
N Strips0
X Bounds3.249e+05, 6.742e+05
Y Bounds5.717e+06, 5.987e+06
Z Bounds-7.113e+03, 3.940e+02
N Arrays1
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax
Depth [m]Pointsfloat641-7.113e+033.940e+02
import pyvista as pv
sargs = dict(fmt="%.0f", color='black')

p = pv.Plotter(notebook=True)

p.add_mesh(surf2, scalar_bar_args=sargs)

C:\Users\ale93371\Anaconda3\envs\gemgis_test\lib\site-packages\pyvista\jupyter\notebook.py:60: UserWarning: Failed to use notebook backend:

Please install `ipyvtklink` to use this feature: https://github.com/Kitware/ipyvtklink

Falling back to a static output.