
gemgis.visualization.create_deviated_borehole_df(df_survey: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, position: Union[numpy.ndarray, shapely.geometry.point.Point], depth: str = 'depth', dip: str = 'dip', azimuth: str = 'azimuth') pandas.core.frame.DataFrame#

Creating Pandas DataFrame containing parameters to create 3D boreholes

  • df_survey (pd.DataFrame) – Pandas DataFrame containing the survey data of one borehole

  • position (np.ndarray) – NumPy array containing the X, Y, and Z coordinates/the position of the borehole, e.g. position = np.array([12012.68053 , 30557.53476 ,  2325.532416])

  • depth (str) – Name of the column that contains the depth values, e.g. depth='depth', default is 'depth'

  • dip (str) – Name of the column that contains the dip values, e.g. dip='dip', default is 'dip'

  • azimuth (str) – Name of the column that contains the azimuth values, e.g. azimuth='azimuth' default is 'azimuth'


df_survey – Pandas DataFrame containing parameters to create 3D boreholes

Return type


New in version 1.0.x.

Changed in version 1.1.7.

Replace pandas append with concat.


>>> # Loading Libraries and file
>>> import gemgis as gg
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df_survey = pd.read_csv('survey.csv')
    holeid      depth   dip     azimuth
0   SonicS_006  0       90.00   20
1   SonicS_006  10      89.50   20
2   SonicS_006  20      89.00   20
3   SonicS_006  30      88.50   20
4   SonicS_006  40      88.00   20
>>> # Defining the position of the borehole at the surface
>>> position = np.array([12012.68053 , 30557.53476 ,  2325.532416])
>>> # Creating the survey DataFrame with additional parameters
>>> df_survey = gg.visualization.create_deviated_well_df(df_survey=df_survey,position=position)