
gemgis.vector.clip_by_bbox(gdf: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, bbox: List[Union[int, float]], reset_index: bool = True, drop_index: bool = True, drop_id: bool = True, drop_points: bool = True, drop_level0: bool = True, drop_level1: bool = True) geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame#

Clipping vector data contained in a GeoDataFrame to a provided bounding box/extent

  • gdf (gpd.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing vector data that will be clipped to a provided bounding box/extent

  • bbox (List[Union[float, int]]) – Bounding box of minx, maxx, miny, maxy values to clip the GeoDataFrame, , e.g. bbox=[0, 972, 0, 1069]

  • reset_index (bool) – Variable to reset the index of the resulting GeoDataFrame. Options include: True or False, default set to True

  • drop_level0 (bool) – Variable to drop the level_0 column. Options include: True or False, default set to True

  • drop_level1 (bool) – Variable to drop the level_1 column. Options include: True or False, default set to True

  • drop_index (bool) – Variable to drop the index column. Options include: True or False, default set to True

  • drop_id (bool) – Variable to drop the id column. Options include: True or False, default set to True

  • drop_points (bool) – Variable to drop the points column. Options include: True or False, default set to True


gdf – GeoDataFrame containing vector data clipped by a bounding box

Return type


New in version 1.0.x.


>>> # Loading Libraries and File
>>> import gemgis as gg
>>> import geopandas as gpd
>>> gdf = gpd.read_file(filename='file.shp')
>>> gdf
    id  geometry
0       None    POINT (281.526 902.087)
1       None    POINT (925.867 618.577)
2       None    POINT (718.131 342.799)
3       None    POINT (331.011 255.684)
4       None    POINT (300.083 600.535)
>>> # Returning the length of the original gdf
>>> len(gdf)
>>> # Defining bounding box
>>> bbox = [0,972, 0, 1069]
>>> # Clipping data by bounding box
>>> gdf_clipped = gg.vector.clip_by_bbox(gdf=gdf, bbox=bbox)
>>> gdf_clipped
    geometry            X       Y
0       POINT (281.526 902.087) 281.53  902.09
1       POINT (925.867 618.577) 925.87  618.58
2       POINT (718.131 342.799) 718.13  342.80
3       POINT (331.011 255.684) 331.01  255.68
4       POINT (300.083 600.535) 300.08  600.54
>>> # Returning the length of the clipped gdf
>>> len(gdf_clipped)

See also


Clipping vector data with a Shapely Polygon