
gemgis.vector.interpolate_raster(gdf: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, value: str = 'Z', method: str = 'nearest', n: int = None, res: int = 1, extent: List[Union[int, float]] = None, seed: int = None, **kwargs) numpy.ndarray#

Interpolating a raster/digital elevation model from point or line Shape file

  • gdf (gpd.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing vector data of geom_type Point or Line containing the Z values of an area

  • value (str) – Value to be interpolated, e.g. value='Z', default is 'Z'

  • method (string) – Method used to interpolate the raster. Options include: 'nearest', 'linear', 'cubic', 'rbf'

  • res (int) – Resolution of the raster in X and Y direction, e.g. res=50

  • seed (int) – Seed for the drawing of random numbers, e.g. seed=1

  • n (int) – Number of samples used for the interpolation, e.g. n=100

  • extent (List[Union[float, int]]) – Values for minx, maxx, miny and maxy values to define the boundaries of the raster, e.g. extent=[0, 972, 0, 1069]

  • **kwargs (optional keyword arguments) – For kwargs for rbf and griddata see:


array – Array representing the interpolated raster/digital elevation model

Return type


New in version 1.0.x.


>>> # Loading Libraries and File
>>> import gemgis as gg
>>> import geopandas as gpd
>>> gdf = gpd.read_file(filename='file.shp')
>>> gdf
    id  Z       geometry
0       None    400     LINESTRING (0.741 475.441, 35.629 429.247, 77....
1       None    300     LINESTRING (645.965 0.525, 685.141 61.866, 724...
2       None    400     LINESTRING (490.292 0.525, 505.756 40.732, 519...
3       None    600     LINESTRING (911.433 1068.585, 908.856 1026.831...
4       None    700     LINESTRING (228.432 1068.585, 239.772 1017.037...
>>> # Interpolating vector data
>>> raster = gg.vector.interpolate_raster(gdf=gdf, method='rbf')
>>> raster[:2]
array([[393.56371914, 393.50838517, 393.45386851, ..., 396.15856133,
    398.11421775, 400.06334288],
   [393.41982945, 393.36494645, 393.31088433, ..., 396.20694282,
    398.16690286, 400.12027997]])