
gemgis.visualization.drape_array_over_dem(array: numpy.ndarray, dem: Union[, numpy.ndarray], extent: List[Union[int, float]] = None, zmax: Union[float, int] = 10000, resize_array: bool = True)#

Creating grid and texture to drape array over a digital elevation model

  • array (np.ndarray) – Array containing the map data such as a WMS Map

  • dem (Union[, np.ndarray]) – Digital elevation model where the array data is being draped over

  • extent (List[Union[float, int]]) – List containing the bounds of the raster, e.g. extent=[0, 972, 0, 1069]

  • zmax (Union[float, int]) – Maximum z value to limit the elevation data, e.g. zmax=1000

  • resize_array (bool) – Whether to resize the array or the dem if the shape of the dem does not match the shape of the array Options include: True or False, default set to True


  • mesh (pyvista.core.pointset.PolyData) – Mesh containing the Digital elevation model data

  • texture (pyvista.core.objects.Texture) – PyVista Texture containing the map data

New in version 1.0.x.

Changed in version 1.1: Function now allows rasters with different sizes and resizes one of the rasters automatically

Changed in version 1.1.2: Edit zmax value and fixing a bug with the scikit-image resize function, see


>>> # Loading Libraries and File
>>> import gemgis as gg
>>> array
array([[[ 93,  93, 126],
[104, 104, 133],
[227, 227, 234],
[152, 178, 204],
[160, 188, 201],
[206, 200, 181]],
[[247, 246, 248],
[241, 240, 246],
[243, 241, 241],
[150, 177, 205],
[175, 187, 177],
[232, 228, 219]]], dtype=uint8)
>>> # Inspecting Digital Elevation Model values
>>> dem
array([[  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  , ...,  40.1 ,  40.09,  44.58],
[  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  , ...,  40.08,  40.07,  44.21],
[  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  , ...,  40.14,  44.21,  43.98],
[100.56, 102.14, 102.17, ...,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
[ 99.44,  99.85,  99.77, ...,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
[ 88.32,  91.76,  98.68, ...,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ]],
>>> # Draping mesh over array
>>> mesh, texture = gg.visualization.drape_array_over_dem(array=array, dem=dem)
>>> mesh
StructuredGrid  Information
N Cells         5595201
N Points        5600000
X Bounds        3.236e+07, 3.250e+07
Y Bounds        5.700e+06, 5.800e+06
Z Bounds        0.000e+00, 5.038e+02
Dimensions      2000, 2800, 1
N Arrays        1
Data Arrays
Name                Field   Type    N Comp  Min         Max
Texture Coordinates Points  float32 2       -7.077e-06  1.000e+00
>>> # Inspecting the texture
>>> texture

See also


Reading Digital Elevation Model as xarray


Converting bands to RGB values for plotting