
gemgis.misc.get_stratigraphic_data_df(data: str, name: str, symbols: List[Tuple[str, str]], formations: List[Tuple[str, str]], remove_last: bool = False, return_gdf: bool = True) Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame]#

Function to create a dataframe with coordinates and the stratigraphy of the different boreholes

  • data (list) – List containing the strings of the borehole log

  • name (str) – Name for index reference, e.g. name='GD'

  • symbols (List[Tuple[str, str]]) – List of tuples with symbols to be filtered out

  • formations (List[Tuple[str, str]]) – List of tuples with formation names to be replaced

  • remove_last – Variable to remove the last value of each well. Options include: True or False, default set to False


strata – (Geo-)DataFrame containing the coordinates and the stratigraphy of the boreholes

Return type

Union[pd.DataFrame, gpd.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame]

New in version 1.0.x.

Changed in version 1.1.7.

Fixed bug in parsing PDF.


>>> # Loading Libraries and File
>>> import gemgis as gg
>>> content = gg.misc.load_pdf(path='file.pdf')
>>> content
'Stammdaten    -     2521/ 5631/ 1         -          Bnum: 196747  .  .  Objekt / Name :B. 19  ESCHWEILER
Bohrungs- / Aufschluß-Nr. :19  Archiv-Nr. :  Endteufe [m] :70.30  Stratigraphie der Endteufe :Karbon
.  TK 25 :Eschweiler [TK 5103]  Ort / Gemarkung :Eschweiler/Weißweiler  GK   R...'
>>> # Getting stratigraphic data DataFrame
>>> gdf = gg.misc.get_stratigraphic_data_df(data=data, name='GD', symbols=symbols, formations=formations)
>>> gdf
    Index   Name            X           Y           Z       Altitude    Depth   formation   geometry
0   GD0001  B.19ESCHWEILER  32310019.32 5633520.32  125.30  130.00      70.30   Quaternary  POINT (32310019.320 5633520.320)
1   GD0001  B.19ESCHWEILER  32310019.32 5633520.32  66.50   130.00      70.30   Miocene     POINT (32310019.320 5633520.320)
2   GD0001  B.19ESCHWEILER  32310019.32 5633520.32  60.90   130.00      70.30   Oligocene   POINT (32310019.320 5633520.320)

See also


Loading PDF data as string


Getting the meta data of a well


Getting the meta data of wells as DataFrame


Getting the stratigraphic data of a well